
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Galena Zoning Board of Appeals met July 13

City of Galena Zoning Board of Appeals met July 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Call to Order by Presiding Officer

Roll Call

Establishment of Quorum


Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 8, 2022.


222 Properties (Ottos Restaurant), 100 Bouthillier St., Galena, IL 61036.‐ Ratification of the finding of fact for a request for a Special Use Permit to allow Outdoor Dining as an Accessory Commercial Land use in a Neighborhhod Commercial Zoning District.


(PUBLIC HEARING) Andrew Stangl, 1818 Donegan St., Galena, IL 61036. ‐ Request for a Zoning Map amendment to rezone 0.692 acres from Limited Agriculture to Low Density Residential at 1721 Donegan St.

(PUBLIC HEARING) Owner: Mike and Laurie Sproule, 12901 W Norris Ln, Galena, IL 61036, and Applicant: Jeff West, 229 Council Fire Circle, Galena, IL 61036.‐ Request for a Text Amendment to allow the land use of Indoor Commercial Entertainment by Special Use Permit in the Heavy Industrial Zoning District, and a Special Use Permit to allow Indoor Commercial Entertainment at 11471 Industrial Dr.

Guys Towing, 11380 Dandar St., Galena, IL 61036 ‐ Request for a concept plan review to provide non‐binding feedback on a proposed Preliminary Subdivision Plat, a request for the rezoning of two lots to Planned Commercial from Limited Agriculture and one lot to Heavy Industrial from Limited Agriculture, a Variance to the front yard setback on Dandar St., a Special Use Permit to allow discouraged wall materials in the Highway 20 Corridor, and a Highway 20 Design request to construct a new building in the Highway 20 Corridor.


Public Comments

Not to exceed 15 minutes as an agenda item

Not more than 3 minutes per speaker

