Carroll County Board met June 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order by Chair Reibel at 9:30 a.m.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call shows Mr. Reibel, Mr. Payette, Mr. Preston, Mr. Imel, Mr. Paul Hartman, Mr. Yuswak, Mr. Vandermyde and Mr. Robert Hartman present with Ms. Anderson absent.
Chair Reibel presented the consent agenda.
1. Approval of May 19th Board Meeting minutes
2. Approval of Bills Paid in Vacation
3. Approval of Committee on Claims
Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Paul Hartman to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.
Tabled Items-None
Sheriff & Property-Sheriff Kloepping submitted the two bids for the HVAC. The bids were from Helm Group of Freeport, Il in the amount of $552,950 and a bid from Johnson Controls from Moline, Il in the amount of $305,000. Tyson L. Scheidecker our project manager from SHIVEHATTERY Architecture and Engineering recommended we award the bid to Johnson Controls.
Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Yuswak to approve the bid from Johnson Controls with the $305,000 being paid out of ARPA funds. Roll call shows, Mr. Reibel, Mr. Paul Hartman, Mr. Imel, Mr. Yuswak, Mr. Robert Hartman, Mr. Payette, Mr. Preston and Mr. Vandermyde all vote aye. Motion carried.
Sheriff Kloepping stated that the new HVAC will probably be installed in early fall since air condition and heat will not be needed at that time.
Health Department-No report
Emergency Management Agency-No report
State’s Attorney-No report
Treasurer- Treasurer Diane Powers requested for approval of hiring a new Deputy Treasurer for her office. She stated due to Loni Aude, Payroll Deputy retiring in January 2023, she would like to hire a Deputy Treasurer to start work on July 31, 2022. She had a spreadsheet included with the Board Packet on the cost but believes even with a new hire that her budget will not go over this years appropriations.
Motion by Mr. Yuswak, second by Mr. Imel to approve the hire of a new Deputy Treasurer. Motion carried.
Circuit Clerk-No report
Probation-No report
Assessor-Chief County Assessor Annette Gruhn reported the phones are busy with questions since the tax bills went out. She also reported that she is conducting interviews for the new hire in her office.
County Clerk and Recorder-No report
Animal Control-No report
Highway-No report
Zoning-Zoning Officer/GIS Administrator Jeremy Hughes presented the Board for consideration a Temporary Use Permit applied for by James Bratta of cSavanna Adventures for tent camping at Center Hill Apartments at 10110 Getz Rd, Mt. Carroll, Il.
Zoning Officer Hughes explained the difference between a temporary use permit and a special use permit for clarification. Also discussed was that stipulations and conditions can be put on the Temporary Use permit.
Adjoining property owners, John Pokropinski at 10293 Getz Rd, Tina Nye Updike at 10183 Getz Rd and Michael Wilkinson at 10120 Getz Rd spoke against the Temporary Use permit. Their concerns are noise, privacy and security.
James Bratta of cSavanna Adventures and Amber Mantua, employee of cSavanna Adventures also residents of Center Hill Apartment spoke in favor of the Temporary Use permit.
Motion by Mr. Payette, second by Mr. Paul Hartman to approve with the following conditions:
1. Camping only on concert dates starting at 12 noon on Saturday and ending 3 p.m. on Sunday.
2. Proof of Liability Insurance for the campground and making sure the County is an additional insured.
3. County Chairman has the authority to pull Temporary Use permit.
4. This permit is good thru the August 6th concert date.
Mr. Paul Hartman called for a roll call vote. Roll call shows Mr. Vandermyde, Mr. Robert Hartman, Mr. Preston, Mr. Yuswak, Mr. Paul Hartman and Mr. Imel voting nay. Mr. Payette and Mr. Reibel voting aye. Motion denied.
Other Departments
Affiliate and Liaison Reports
LRA-No report
CEDS-No report
UCCI-No report
911-No report
Senior Services-No report
Hotel/Motel-No report
Tri-County Opportunities Council-No report
708 Board-No report
Extension-No report
New Business
Chair Reibel presented the 2023 Holiday Schedule for approval. Motion by Mr. Paul Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve. Motion carried.
Chair Reibel presented for approval the lease agreement with Business Employment Skills Team, Inc. Motion by Mr. Paul Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve. Motion carried.
Chairman Reports-None
Public Comments-None
Executive Session-None
Motion by Mr. Paul Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to adjourn at 10:43 a.m.,%202022%20Board%20Minutes.pdf