Carroll County Board met June 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Payette at 9:30 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call shows Mr. Payette, Mr. Preston, Mr. Imel, Mr. Paul Hartman, Mr. Yuswak, Ms. Anderson, Mr. Vandermyde and Mr. Robert Hartman present, with Mr. Reibel absent.
Vice Chair Payette presented the consent agenda:
1. Approval of the June 2nd Board Meeting Minutes
2. Approval of Bills Paid in Vacation
3. Approval of Committee on Claims
4. Approval of Board Member Services
Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Paul Hartman to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.
Tabled Items-None
Sheriff & Property-Sheriff Ryan Kloepping reported that there had been two roof leaks. One has been repaired and the other will be repaired by the end of the week. This is the roof that will be replaced this fall.
Sheriff Kloepping updated the Board on the tuckpointing. A new lift is needed which will be an additional $4,900. The new lift is needed that is narrow so it can be placed on the sidewalk and not the courthouse lawn. He stated even with the additional cost is under the $30,000 threshold so no bidding is needed. He stated that he will be asking at a later date for the additional $4,900 to come out of the ARPA funds. The $25,000 for the tuckpointing is already budgeted.
Health Department-None
Emergency Management Agency- EMA Director Klinefelter reported that he has completed the last six classes that were required for Accreditation from the State.
He also reported that they are still working on the plans for the remodeling of the EMA office.
States Attorney-No report
Treasurer-Treasurer Diane Powers reported that she had received an email from the U.S. Treasury Department that the 2nd installment of the ARPA funds should be released by the end of the week if the paperwork submitted is accepted.
She reported that she has placed ads for the hiring of a Deputy Treasurer.
She also reported at this time they have collected about 7 million in taxes and will be doing a disbursement to the taxing bodies on June 24th.
Circuit Clerk-No report
Probation-Probation Director Marcie Arno reported that she has hired a new Probation officer.
She reported that the administrative office and the State of Illinois has increased the compensation schedule for probation officers and herself.
Assessor-Chief County Assessor Annette Gruhn introduced her new Assessor Deputy, Colton Dimmick.
She also reported that the office is busy doing entry data of the reassessing.
County Clerk & Recorder-County Clerk Amy Buss submitted the Semi-Annual Report for her office. She did explain that recording funds are down from last year at this time. Motion by Mr. Yuswak, second by Mr. Preston to approve. Motion carried.
County Clerk Amy Buss presented for approval appoint of Carroll County Election Judges for a 2 year term. Motion by Ms. Anderson, second by Mr. Preston to approve. Motion carried.
Animal Control-No report
Highway-County Engineer Kevin Vandendooren presented for approval four petitions for bridge aid:
1. Savanna Road District for Section 11927 Oakton Road
2. Savanna Road District for Section 12020 Oakton Road
3. Woodland Road District for Section 14440 Law Road
4. Woodland Road District for Section 15635 Polgrove Road
Motion by Mr. Imel, second by Mr. Paul Hartman to approve. Motion carried. County Engineer reported that seal coating started last week.
He also reminded the Board with the ARPA funds he would like new salt shed. Administrator Doty did confirm it is on the list but it will be decided at a later time how those funds are going to be used after they have completed the HVAC and roof projects.
Zoning-No report
Other Departments
Affiliate and Liaison Reports
LRA-No report
CEDS-No report
UCCI-No report
911-No report
Senior Services-No report
Hotel-Motel-Ms. Anderson reported that the Committee is working on getting a Marketing person. She also reported that there are several businesses that are not paying their Hotel/Motel tax.
Tri-County Opportunities Council-No report
708 Board-No report
Extension -No report
New Business
Vice Chair Payette reported that the Approval of changes to Chapter 345 Food Sanitation and Home kitchens should be tabled due to the Health Department needed to make more changes in the wording and was unable to complete before this Board meeting.
Vice Chair Payette presented the only bid for approval for roof replacement from Freeport Industrial Roofing in the amount of $68,950 that will be paid out of ARPA funds. Motion by Mr. Paul Hartman, second by Mr. Preston to approve. Roll call shows Mr. Preston, Mr. Vandermyde, Ms. Anderson, Mr. Payette, Mr. Paul Hartman, Mr. Yuswak, Mr. Imel and Mr. Robert Hartman all vote aye. Motion carried.
Administrator Michael Doty went over the six month general fund revenues.
Vice Chair Payette presented for Approval a Carroll County Trustee Resolution. Motion by Mr. Paul Hartman, second by Mr. Preston to approve. Motion carried.
Vice Chair Payette presented the names of Dr. David Reese and Bart Ottens to be reappointed to the County Health Board. Motion by Mr. Paul Hartman, second by Mr. Yuswak to approve. Motion carried.
Chairman Reports-None
Public Comments-None
Executive Session-None
Motion by Mr. Vandermyde, second by Mr. Paul Hartman to adjourn at 10:02 a.m.,%202022%20Board%20Minutes.pdf