City of Polo City Council met Sept. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Call to order- Mayor Knapp called the meeting to order.
2. Mayor Knapp called roll call and the following members of the Council answered present: Alderman Thomas Bardell, Alderman Jim Busser, Alderman Joseph Kochsmeier, Alderwoman Beth Sundman, and Alderman Randy Schoon.
Absent: Alderman Keith Chesnut.
3. New Business- Discussion/Action Items
A. Consideration & Possible Action on an appeal from Mr. Farraj regarding the decision of the City of Polo Health Board on condemning 601 S. Division Ave.
Attorney Suits stated that the purpose of this hearing is to specify what errors were made by the health board in coming to their decision. No new facts can be brought up for discussion. Mr. Farraj needs to show that the health board that they did not consider the facts appropriately or abuse of discretion. Mr. Farraj stated that the inspection was done wrong and that nothing is wrong with his house. He also insisted that he wanted pictures of what was wrong. Per the Property maintenance Code, pictures are not required. Mr. Manheim only had to identify what parts of the code were in violation. Mr. Farraj asked for a professional inspection. Attorney Suits stated that Mr. Farraj could have had a professional inspection and presented that information to the public health board as evidence. Alderman Bardell stated that Mr. Farraj was sent a letter on June 11, 2021 stating he had 10 days to fix the violations, and again on August 16, 2022. That consisted of a time gap of 431 days. Alderman Bardell felt that was ample time to have those conditions fixed and they have not been. Alderman Schoon made a motion to uphold the public health boards decision to condemn 601 S. Division Ave, seconded by Alderman Bardell. Motion carried 5-0. Yes- Bardell, Busser, Kochsmeier, Sundman, Schoon.
Attorney Suits advised Mr. Farraj to review the Illinois Administrative Review Act to review his choices if he wanted to take further action. Without Mr. Farraj taking further action, then the City can proceed with having Mr. Farraj demolish the property.
4. Other Items for Discussion & Information
5. Adjournment
Motion by Alderman Schoon, second by Alderman Bardell to adjourn from regular session at 6:43 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.