
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Mount Carroll City Council met March 14

City of Mount Carroll City Council met March 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Alderman Mike Risko rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting.

Alderman Joe Grim called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, absent, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Mike Risko, present, Joe Grim, present, Paul Kaczmarski, present, Doug Bergren present, Nancy Bandemer, present.

Police Chief Rick Cass led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mary Boelkens led the invocation.

Minutes: Alderman Elliott moved and Alderman Bandemer seconded to approve to minutes of the February 28, 2023 Regular Council Meeting. Vote: 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Motion carried.

Accounts Payable: Alderman Kaczmarski made the motion to approve the recommendation made from the Finance Committee to pay 34 Payables totaling $256,542.45 and Alderman Elliott seconded. Vote: 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Motion carried.

Bank Balance: Alderman Grim reported the bank account balances were totaling $10,463,062.63 as of today.



Street Superintendent Dauphin reported they were still waiting for the warmer weather to complete the bricks on Market Street. Once the bricks are completed, we will work on the numerous road culverts. No resent updates on the Library Sidewalk Project. Alderman Bandemer asked how long do you estimate it will take for that project? Dauphin replied probably 2 weeks with weather permitting.

A. Streets, Cemetery, Park and Forestry Budgets:

Street Department Budget: Total Revenues: $244,200.00 with Total Disbursements: $479,450.00 Cemetery Budget: Total Revenues: $25,050.00 with Total Disbursements: $24,810.00

Park Budget: Total Revenues: $768,100.00 with total Disbursements $762,200.00. This large increase is due to the OSLAD Grant the City was awarded.

Forestry Budget: Total Revenues: $7,410.00 with total Disbursements: $17,850.00

Recommendation made to approve all budgets presented to the Council.


Chief Cass reported that the 2019 is back in service. Still watiting to hear back on the OSLAD Grant which could pay for 75% of the purchase price for the 2023 Tahoe and Alderman Elliott said we should be able to get around $19,000.00 for a trade in value to pay the rest. Chief Cass said that they have noticed an issue with one headlight getting water in it from a previous repair; they have to replace the bulb frequently. Discussed that he had sent an invoice for Resource Officer Services provided to the West Carroll Middle School.


Payables: Recommendation to authorize the payments of accounts payable dated as of March 14 2023 of 34 claims, totaling $256,542.45. Adlerman Kaczamarski told the council that the donation to the Farmers Market was reduced to $1,200.00 from $1,500.00 due to the City will pay for the bathrooms to be cleaned.


1. Discussion and Possible Action on Garbage Contract Extension with Republic Services: City Clerk Dauphin spoke to the Council that Matt from Republic Services emailed 2 options for the contract extension, 1 year at $13.95 or 5 year option 2023 $ 13.95, 2024 $16.07, 2025 $16.79, 2026 $17.55 and 2027 $18.34. After a small discussion, Alderman Bandemer made a motion to approve the contract extension of 1 year with Republic Services and Alderman Elliott seconded. Vote: 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Motion carried.

2. Discusssion and Approval for Ordinance No. 2023-03-01, Ordinance amending title 10, Chapter 4, to Enact Updates to the Raffle Code: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2023-03-01 and Alderman Bandemer seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

3. Discussion and Approval for Ordinance No. 2023-03-02, Ordinance Amending Title 10, Chapters 1 & 2 to modify the Water and Sewer Debt Service Rate, Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Fee (as relates to multiple unit structures) & to implement Rate Changes in Basic Charges for Water and Sewer. Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2023-03-02 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

4. Discussion and Approval for Ordinance No. 2023-03-03, Oridnance Amdending Title 5 Chapter 5 to modify the Garbage Collection Rate, Increasing the Rate from $10.00 to $12.00 and .25 cents every May 1st thereafter: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2023-03-03 and Alderman Bandemer seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Grim, yes, Bergren, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 6 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.


1. Discussion and Possible Action for the Demolition Bid from Law Excavating of $5,600.00 for the house at 315 E. Seminary Street: Alderman Elliott asked Clerk Dauphin if we put it out to bid. Clerk Dauphin responded no. Elliott asked at what amount do we have to take bids? Alderman Grim said $25,000.00. Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve the bid from Law Excavating for $5,600.00 and Alderman Bandemer seconded. Vote: 6 Ayes and 0 nays.

2. Discsussion and Approval for a Raffle License for the Mt. Carroll Rotary Club held at Mayfest: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the Raffle License and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Vote: 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Motion carried.

3. Discussion and Possible Action for the Mayor to approve the Proclamation for May as Motorcycle Awareness Month: Alderman Grim told Council we will table this item until the Mayor is present to read the Proclamation.

4. Discussion and Possible Action of the Stonehouse Outhouse Project: Len Anderson spoke to the Council the need for a bathroom at the Outhouse and that they will be raising funds to cover the cost of the project estimated at $10,000.00-$12,000.00. Census made by the Council to start the fundraising.

5. Discussion and Approval for Davis Community Center Pay Application #8 $170,578.92 and Application #12 $6,925.00 and Executive Summary: Alderman Kaczmarksi made a motion to approve both Pay Applications and Alderman Risko seconded. Vote: 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Motion carried. Alderman Kaczmarksi asked that we ask Russell about getting Basketball Hoops that lower for the smaller kids.

6. MSA Updates: Alderman Elliott reported that the Gate still has not been put back up at the Charles Farm and they need to put back the fence at the Herrell residence. Clerk Dauphin said she would email Steve Haring and ask about it.

7. The City of Mount Carroll was awarded the OSLAD Grant for Point Rock Park

General Audience

Eina Schroeder addressed the Council about the vacant property at 106 E. Pleasant Street. The McMilan's own the house and he paseed away a couple years ago and no one has come out here since. The house is only used for storage and is not salvagable. The Handyman who mows the yard had tried to tell her the condition of the house and that animals are living in it. Clerk Dauphin said I know we had the City Attorney send a letter not to long ago; I will speak with the Mayor and have him talk with the City Attorney.

Len Anderson said the Welcome Center is comleted but there is not enough contrast. He and Brandon are working on it.


1. Riverview Cener Fundraiser April 30, 2023 at the Grand River Center

2. Moring Disposal Recycling Report of 28,987 lbs for February

3. Bulky Waste Pick Up day will be Saturday May 6, 2023

4. West Carroll School District Town Hall Meeting Thursday March 23, 2023 6:00 Pm at the West

Carroll Middle School.

Adjournment: Alderman Bergren made the motion and Alderman Elliott to adjorn at 8:16 p.m. Vote: 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Motion carried.
