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Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Fulton City Council met March 27

City of Fulton City Council met March 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Wendy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. On roll call, Alderpersons King, Banker, Mask, VanKampen, Nederhoff were present. Alderpersons Brondyke, VanZuiden and Hunt were absent. City Attorney Shirk, CA Clark, Chief Neblung, Public Works Director Sikkema, City Treasurer Fosdick and City Clerk Garibay were also in attendance.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Communication from Visitors

Mayor Wendy tells all in attendance that the council meeting is being recorded and will be posted the next day on the City’s website, for public viewing.

Mike Ottens, former Mayor for the City of Fulton asked to comment on the $100,000 donation to the Drive’s Building. He stated that there was no discussion at previous meetings, while he was Mayor, on furthering support of the Drives Building after it was sold to the Historical Society. He stated, $100,000 is an extreme amount of money that could be used to fund many other projects, for example; streets, sidewalks, or police department funding. Mr. Ottens states the $100,000 could be divided up in fourth’s, meaning $25,000 for each Ward within the city. He believes that the building renovations and maintenance should be totally funded on their own – either from businesses or private donations, along with their matching grant monies, that have been applied for.

Former Mayor Ottens, asked the City Attorney, if it is feasible for Alderperson Mask to cast a vote on the proposed action item, if there is a conflict of interest. (Meaning Alderperson Mask is also on the board for the Drive’s Building Preservation). City Attorney Shirk stated that he would look into this, but was almost positive that there was no problem with Alderperson Mask voting on the  decision. Will be discussed later during the meeting.

Ms. Bridgette Kramer was next on the communications from visitors. She has asked the council that she would like to continue the “Running with Rory, 5K Event,” again this year and in the future. This run supports a substantial scholarship to a local student each year. The plans are for June 5, 2023, and will be solely run on the bike path on the dike. She is advised to stop in at City Hall to fill out a special event application. After review of the application, the run will be approved.

Ms. Kramer will also be helping with the Dutch Days 5K Run, and would like to ask the council to if they would share all of these upcoming activities on the city website and social media pages. All in agreement. She also asked if everyone could pass along that these activities always need volunteers, so please keep that in mind.

The question regarding of loose running dogs within the city was asked. Chief Neblung explained that there is an ordinance against running dogs at large, but they personally need to catch the animal themselves, as due to the fact that there is no animal control personal available. Ms. Kramer was told to please contact the Police Department if she sees an immediate violation of the ordinance.


Jane Orman-Luker – Drive’s Historical Building

Ms. Luker asked if the presentation could be deferred to the next council meeting since some of the members that were going to speak, had another engagement and another was ill. Mayor Wendy states that there is an action item for the donation on the agenda, and that has to move forward. Ms. Luker askes if the agenda can be amended to defer that action item also. Attorney Shirk states that is fine to amend, it is up to the council. Mayor Wendy askes for a motion to table the action of voting on the $100,000 Drive’s building donation and to defer this until the next meeting. Alderperson Mask motioned, seconded by Alderperson Nederhoff. Roll call vote to defer to next meeting. 2 yes, 3 no votes. Motion denied. There will be no deferment to the next meeting.

Consent Agenda

Approve consent agenda; approve council meeting minutes from March 18, 2023, March 13, 2023, and February 27, 2023, approve the Treasurer’s Report, and the Bill List.  Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson Mask. Short discussion. Alderperson VanKampen asked that the minutes from the special meeting on the 18th of March be corrected to state, Alderperson VanKampen said, “Why are we asking more for the selling price?”, instead of “Why are we not asking more for then the selling price?” Changes will be noted. Roll call vote, 5 yes. Consent agenda approved.


Approve petition to move forward with annexation for Sloan Implement into the corporate limits of the City of Fulton. Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson VanKampen. Short explanation from City Administrator Clark. He explained that Sloan Implement would like to construct an additional building on their property and having difficulty with the county. He explains that this would be additional revenue for the city in sale taxes. Sloan Implement has been explained that the city will not provide city water or sewer due to the extreme expense. Attorney Shirk states that this is just the first step in the process to proceed.  5 yes, motion carried.

Approve the City Hall/Police Department purchase of a generator for $12, 000. Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson Banker. Short Discussion. Alderperson King states that these funds would come out of the ARPA funds. (So noted). Roll call vote, 5 yes. Motion carried.

Approve that the City’s Marina Fund will obtain a loan from Central Bank at the rate of 5% interest for ten years in the amount of $150,000. Alderperson Mask motioned, seconded by Alderperson King. Short discussion. To make the citizens aware - this loan will strictly be paid back through the revenues that are generated solely by the Marina. Monies will be used for extensive dredging, ramps and boat docks. Roll call vote 5 yes. Motion carried.

Approve a Backhoe loan, in the amount of $62,750 at 3.75% interest for three years through Central Bank. Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson VanKampen. Short discussion. PW Director Sikkema, stated this is the most used piece of equipment his department uses, and he is starting to see numerous repairs occurring in his current backhoe.  Roll call vote, 5 yes, motion carried.

Approve to waive bids for Progress Drive – project amount of $120,000. Will table to next meeting due to not enough Alderpersons present for a vote.

Approve Ordinance amending snow emergency routes and establishing calendar parking. Alderperson VanKampen motioned, seconded by Alderperson King. No discussion. Roll call vote, 5 yes, motion carried.

Approve Proclamation directing April 6, 2023, as recognized by the City of Fulton, IL as Junior Achievement Day. Alderperson VanKampen motioned, seconded by Alderperson King. Mayor Ottens stated that this is an annual proclamation that the council and City has always recognized. Roll call vote, 5 yes, proclamation approved.

Approve a Baseball banner sign in the amount $200, requested by Barb Frantz to welcome all baseball players, families and fans to the City Ball Parks. Alderperson VanKampen motioned, seconded by Alderperson Banker. Roll call vote, 5 yes. Motion carried.

Approve Drives Historic Building donation, in the amount of $100,000. Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson Nederhoff. Discussion to follow. Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson King. Discussion to follow. Alderperson Mask asks if Ms. Jane Orman-Luker is allowed to present a short presentation on the Drives Building. Mayor Ottens agrees that it may be presented. Ms. Luker proceeded to speak that the Drives Building project will sustain all citizens in the area from the youth to the elderly. This is a community asset. The center would be used a center for children, cooking classes (culinary art) that will be available for High School students, a STEM Room, and senior center. She read letters of support from Dr. Darryl Hogue, and owner of the Fulton Meat Locker, who stated that this would be beneficial economically. This advent center would bring tourists and revenue for the local businesses and city, which is so vitally needed.

Ms. Luker also reiterated that there is not enough needed room indoors when events our scheduled within the City. They would like the council to invest in this opportunity. Visitors come from all over the world to see the city’s attractions. The organization is committed to making this project happen but do need the City’s financial investment to move forward.

Alderperson VanKampen asked the question, “You are requesting the donation to come from the city’s ARPA Funds?” She states that she cannot find that the city can use funding from ARPA for a donation. She states that she has a list, and donations are not included. Alderperson Mask stated that donations going to a 501 3C (non-profit) organizations can receive monies from ARPA. Chief Neblung reads support of donations from ARPA.

Mayor Ottens says she recalls at previous meetings when the Drive’s building was being purchased by the Historic Society, that it was stated that no further monies would be given to the building from the City. Alderperson VanKampen says she has in her personal notes that no further city money would be given in the future. As City Clerk I have researched all minutes from previous meetings and can not find anything noted that monies can or can not be given in the future.

Alderperson Nederhoff believes that this would be an investment for the community. He believes that it will be widely used. He also stated that if everyone recalls the city would have been burdened with a $100,000 plus to tear the building down at that time, (the amount was $153,000 for tear down and removal, so noted in previous minutes), so this needs to be remembered, before a decision is made.

After all this discussion, Mayor Wendy states that it has been noted previously in this meeting, we will vote now. Roll call vote, 2 yes, 3 no. Motion for the donation has been declined.

Approve a one-time donation for the Impact Program – the amount will be discussed and determined by the council. Alderperson motioned. Alderperson King would like it tabled to the next meeting. There was not a second motion made. Motion denied. May be discussed at a later meeting.

Approve the recommendation from the Zoning Board of Appeals to grant a garage addition that exceeds 960 square feet to Jessica North VanKampen, at 1028  9th Avenue, in Fulton. Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson Banker. No discussion. Roll call vote. 4 yes, Alderperson VanKampen abstained. Motion approved.

Approve recommendation form Zoning Board of Appeals to grant rezoning from Industrial to Business for the Harbor Crest Nursing Home, located at 817 17th Street, owned by Jason Marcus. Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson VanKampen.  Attorney Shirk reminded the council that this is just a starting in the procedure. Roll call vote, 5 yes. Motion carried.


Business Registration Form – Mayor Wendy explained that this will help track possible Air BNB’s and other businesses, new and old. Information that is included on the form, would help City Hall and Police Department on specific names, contact information, emergency contact information, and specific information related to the business itself. There could also be a small fee attached, at an annual rate, if so moved. Suggestion of a $25 fee was brought to the table for discussion, by the Mayor and Chief of Police Neblung. Head nod concluded that NO fee should be asked for. Will be on next agenda.

Band Shell – Discussion continues. Mayor Wendy believed it should have been on agenda for a vote. City Administrator Clark said do diligence needed to be addressed due to the differences that came in for bids for the project. PW Director Sikkema will be in charge of getting a more detailed bid from the individual contractors. This may take 4-8 weeks, hopefully by the last meeting in April more information will be compiled

Liquor License Ordinance – Attorney Shirk explained the difference between the Special Event License and the Special Use License.

Council Input on the Committee of the Whole to be brought back to the agenda – Alderperson is totally in favor of the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Too many times have we been pushed into a decision when it should have been discussed more. Alderperson Mask, and Alderperson King in agreement. Mayor Wendy says she does not want the Committee of the Whole to be used because of “lack of efficiency on moving forward”.  Alderperson VanKampen says business should be done through the City Administrator. Public input should be considered before hasty decisions are made. Mayor will consider going back, but states in the IML book it is the mayor’s agenda. It will be considered.

Committee Reports

Finance – N/A

Personnel – N/A

Economic Development – N/A

Parks & Rec – Alderperson VanKampen stated that they have discussed Cattail Rental and Deposit increases. They are in favor of $100 for in town rentals and an additional $100 for a refundable deposit. Out of city limit rental would be $150 with a $100 refundable deposit. This should cover more maintenance cost at the park rental Will be an action item on the next agenda.

Public Safety – N/A

Marina – Dredging has started. Work will begin on the Terry Krause pavilion project.

Zoning – N/A

Alderperson Reports – N/A

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Wendy states that their will be a downtown business owner only meeting in April to discuss the downtown revitalization project at the Masonic Lodge, details will be passed on within the next few days.

City Administrator’s Report – Included in Packet

Chief of Police Report – Included in Packet

Public Works Director's Report – Included in Packet

Fulton Tourism Report – Included in Packet

Historical Society Report – Included in Packet

Closed Session to discuss personnel and salaries - Alderperson Mask motioned, seconded by Alderperson VanKampen to enter closed session at 6:51 pm. Roll call vote, 5 yes, motion carried.

Resume Regular Council Meeting – Alderperson Mask motioned, seconded by Alderperson King to enter the regular council meeting at 6:57 pm. Roll call vote, 5 yes, motion carried.

Adjourn Meeting – Alderperson King motioned, seconded by Alderperson Mask. Roll call vote, all in favor, Aye’s have it - meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. 
