
NW Illinois News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Mount Carroll City Council met June 27

City of Mount Carroll City Council met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Water/Sewer Operater Jonathan Armstrong rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting. Alderwoman Nancy Bandemer called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, Absent, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Mike Risko, present, Paul Kaczmarski, present, Nancy Bandemer, present.

Alderman Mike Risko led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ann Frederick from the Church of God led the invocation.

Alderman Elliott moved and Alderman Risko seconded to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2023, Regular Council meeting. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 4 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Alderman Kaczmarski moved and Alderman Elliott seconded to authorize the payments of accounts payable dated June 27, 2023 of 26 claims for $233,394.71 as recommended by the Finance Committee. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 4 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

Alderwoman Bandemer reported the bank account balances were totaling $8,402,017.84 as of today.


Under Committees, the Water/Sewer Committee Superintendent Zink reported the pool is losing water due to a leak underground and they are not able to see where it is leaking at. We would have to dig up the cement to try and find it. The recirculating pump is broke again and will be ordering a replacement kit to fix it.

The IEPA permit arrived for Shimer Square, we will need an easement for both Water & Sewer. They also need water/sewer set up for Dearborn Hall, but this will be at their cost.

The WWTP parking lot needs the cracks filled, the County does not own a crack filling machine they rent one. Zink called the company and it is $500.00 to rent the machine and $650.00 for materials. Alderman Elliott asked if this was put in the the budget? Clerk Dauphin and Treasurer Schneider said they would look. After reviewing the current budget, there was not a placement for the crackfilling. Council decided to table this item until we can find what line item to use.

Waterlooping Phase 2 will be starting July 10th, 2023. Zink asked if they could put a new curb & gutter in while the road is under construction. Alderman Risko asked what is the cost? It would be around $37,000.00. Discussion of where the money would come from, since it is not apart of the current budget, with Council deciding not to make a recommendation for this request. Discussed that they will be removing guardrails also and installing only 1 side back and it would be brand new at the cost of $18,000.00. Council asked Zink to see if they can put the old one back in instead of buying new. Discussed West Carroll Middle School requesting free water to water the football field due to the drought. Council said that would be a lot of water for free and did not make the recommendation. Started the Sewer Line repairs on Argyle Lane and should be completed this week. Still waiting for the permit from IEPA to start the East Street Looping Project and for the final designs for the new track so they know how deep the dirt will need to be for the pipes. The Waterline to the Davis Center has been replaced.

Alex Handel signed up to retake his test.


Recommendation made to approve to pay 26 claims totaling $233,394.71.


1. Discussion of 2023 Captial Improvement Plan: Clerk Dauphin asked if everyone received the email with the rough draft and if anyone had any additions or subtractions to it. Alderman Risko said he thought there were many dates that were still outdated. Clerk Dauphin said she would have each department look at their section to correct any items.


1. Discussion and Approval of Resolution R14-2023, Resolution Authorizing Transfer of funds: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve Resolution R14-2023 and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 4 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

2. Discussion of Park Ordinance: City Attorney Zollinger gave suggestions and examples of what park hours can be, most are dawn to dusk making exceptions for sporting events that have lighting.

3. Mayor Bate’s Letter to Council on TIF Agreement for the Sidewalk, Wall & Railing at the Library: Clerk Dauphin told Council that there was an error that Laurel Bergren brought to my attention, the bid we sent out for the hand rail was for 2 railings and we only need 1 side.

4. Discussion on Solar Panel Ordinances: City Attorney Zollinger said the Ordinance needs to outline the what & where they can be installed. Look at Prophetstown they just did an ordinance for Solar Panels.

5. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Fitness Equipment Contract with Direct Fitness Solutions for $103,091.00: After having looking at the layout and speaking with some other fitness centers it was suggested to add more treadmills and elipticles. Alderman Risko made a motion to approve and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 4 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.

General Audience:

Len Anderson updated the council on the Stonehouse Bathroom Outhouse.

Alderman Risko said the Save the Stones cleaning day went well.

Laurel Bergen said the Library reopening has been busy and hoping the sidewalk with get done soon,


1. Sand Prarie Fiber Internet Update

2. Jo-Carroll “Sharing Success Matching Grant” winner notice

3. Exchange State Bank Letter of Products and Services

4. NICOR update on possible Increase Franchise Allotment

Adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

Alderman Elliott made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Risko, yes, Elliott, yes, Bandemer, yes. Vote: 4 yeses, and 0 nos. Motion carried.
