City of Mount Carroll City Council met July 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Tom Sorg rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting.
Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderwoman Nancy Bandemer, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, and Alderman Mike Risko, present.
Alderman Elliott led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation led by Sofia Anderson.
Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 27, 2023 regular City Council meeting, Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderman Risko: yes. Vote: 4 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to authorize the payments of accounts payable dated June 27, 2023, 35 claims payable totaling $736,360.15 as recommended by the Finance Committee, Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes. Vote: 4 yeses and 0 no. Motion carried.
Mayor Bates reported the bank account balances were totaling $8,223,342.01 as of today.
Under Committees, Street Superintendent Dauphin reported 2 roads are completed and ready for seal coating and have 2 more to prepare, the County plans on seal coating middle to end of August. Mayor Bates reported he is waiting for a quote from Burkholder & Son’s on the price of the blocks and then blocks with install for the Library Sidewalk Project. He meets with MSA tomorrow and will go over the Railing issue of the need of 2 sets of railings. Alderman Risko asked the question of why are we paying for the railing, we agreed on the sidewalk but nothing was ever said about railings. Mayor Bates said let’s get the wall and sidewalk completed and we will discuss this matter at a later meeting. Mayor Bates thanked the Street Department for mowing the bank at Percy Park now that the basketball league has started.
Alderwoman Bandemer reviewed the monthly police report and that the Durango will be getting new tires.
Recommendation made to approve to pay 35 claims payable totaling $736,360.15. Len Anderson reported the Stonehouse received another donation to help with the cost of the bathroom and he was able to purchase the old library doors that will be used as the entrance door.
1. Discussion and Possible Action of $1,150.00 for Crack Filling at the WWTP: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve using $250.00 from each Water and Sewer Rental Line Item and $325.00 each from Water and Sewer Building totaling $1,150.00 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes. Vote: 4 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
2. Discussion and Possible Action on Capital Improvement Plan 2023: Alderwoman Bandemer made a motion to table due to no updates from CFPS and Alderman Kaczmarksi seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes. Vote: 4 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
1. Discussion and Possible Action for Mayor Bates’s Appointment for Ward 2: Mayor Bates asked the Council to approve to appoint Doug Bergren as Adlerman for Ward 2. Alderman Kaczmarski made the motion appoint Doug Bergren as Alderman Ward 2 and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes. Vote: 4 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
*Clerk Dauphin swore in Alderman Bergren
*Roll Call after appointment: Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderwoman Nancy Bandemer, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, and Alderman Mike Risko, present, Alderman Bergren, present.
2. Discussion and Possible Action for Russell Construction Pay Application #12 for $622,825.98 and Executive Summary: Alderwoman Bandemer made a motion to approve Pay Application #12 for $622,825.98 and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
3. Discussion and Possible Action to approve Waterlooping Phase 2 Pay Application #1 $43,030.00: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve Pay Application #1 for $43,030.00 and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergeren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
4. Discussion and Possible Action for Davis Center Director: Mayor Bates said we have some more discussion as to the job discription but we would like to start advertising for the job posting. Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the job posting and Alderwoman Bandermer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergeren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
5. Discussion and Possible Action on the Library Sidewalk Project: Mayor Bates said when he has the quotes he will probably need to call a special meeting to discuss and possible approve.
6. Discussion and Approval for Mayor Bates to sign IEPA Signage Requirement for Waterlooping Project Phase 2: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
7. MSA Updates
General Audience
General Audience: Len Anderson reminded everyone that there is a car show this weekend.
1. Complaint Letter reagarding Garbage Services with Republic Servies: City Clerk Dauphin told the Council that Matt Pivit from Republic stopped in an appoligized for all the delays. Mayor Bates asked if they are letting us know when they are delayed? Clerk Dauphin said yes. Then you need to make sure you post it so the residents know. Alderwoman Bandemer said she would contact Matt Pivit about issuing a public apology for the delays.
Adjournment: Alderman Elliott made a motion to adjourn at 7:49 p.m., Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes - 0 no. Motion carried.