City of Mount Carroll City Council met Aug. 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Doug Sherf rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting.
Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderwoman Nancy Bandemer, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, and Alderman Mike Risko, present, Alderman Doug Bergren
Alderman Bergren led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation led by Mary Boelkens.
Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2023 regular City Council meeting, Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren: yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to authorize the payments of accounts payable dated August 8, 2023, 35 claims payable totaling $950,652.47 as recommended by the Finance Committee, Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren: yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 no. Motion carried.
Mayor Bates reported the bank account balances were totaling $7,684,841.05 as of today.
Alderman Risko reviewed the BDD and Façade programs and how they are funded. He proposed to use 30% of the yearly income of Property Taxes to use for the program, which estimates to be around $30,000.00. He said he worked on how the process would be and that it would still need to be reviewed by the City Attorney to draw an agreement. There are 3 current applications at this time Jill Bess at 102 Market Street, Jim Sullivan at 206 W. Market Street and View from Valhalla at 115-117 W. Market Street. Discussion as to what type projects would be approved and if maintenance was one of them. Alderman Risko said he would forward the outline agreement to the City Attorney and we will meet again at the end of the month.
Under Committees, Street Superintendent Dauphin reported they have 1 more small section of street to prepare for seal coating and that the County is running behind since they have only 4 employees at this time. We still need to do numerous road culverts and then concrete work.
Alderwoman Bandemer reviewed the monthly police report. Chief Cass reported the parts will be coming to fix the Durango from the accident of hitting a coyote. Mara Krull from the public thanked Chief Cass for his hard work in helping her clean up the activity behind her building in the middle of the night.
Recommendation made to approve to pay 35 claims payable totaling $950,652.47. Len Anderson reported the Stonehouse had some larger expenses for the Stonehouse Bathroom, which is funded by a private donor. He thanked Amy and Lisa for helping him keep track of the balances.
1. None
1. Fiber Update from Sand Prarie: Derrick and Jessie from Sand Prarie reported the Fiber Internet for City of Mount Carroll would be 100% completd by the end of year. They plan to do another campaign to let the residents know that it is available and how to sign up. Jessie spoke about several programs they offer for the elderly and low-income homes to help with internet costs.
2. Discussion and Possible Action for Russell Construction Pay Application #13 for $912,956.84 and Executive Summary: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve Pay Application #13 for $912,956.84 and Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
3. Discusssion and Possible Action to approve LJ Eaton Land Surveying to Provide Property Pin Locations for the Community House not to exceed $500.00: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergeren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
4. Approve Mayor Bates’s Appointments: Mayor Bates added Alderman Bergren as Chairman to Water/Sewer Department, Police Committee, Streets Committee and Building Committee. Alderman Risko asked that we also remove Ben Johnson from the BDD Committee. Alderwoman Bandemer made a motion to approve the Mayor Bates’s Appointments as Ammended and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergeren, no. Vote: 4 yes and 1 no. Motion carried.
General Audience
General Audience: Len Anderson announced the Outhouse is structfully build and has a flushing toilet, so we can have the port-a-potty removed. Discussion of needing wifi for cameras so they can leave the bathrooms open 24 hours a day. Mayor Bates said he would contact Sand Prarie. Eina Schroeder spoke again about the house at 106 E. Pleasant Street needing to be condemned. Mayor Bates said he would work with Chief Cass and the City Attorney on starting the process. Mayor Bates shared information on how to vote for Mt. Carroll’s Farmers Market being America’s Favorite Market. We will also put the link on the City Website and Facebook page.
1. Blackhawk Waterways 2023 Annual Dinner and Social Bash August 24, 2023:
Adjournment: Alderman Elliott made a motion to adjourn at 8:11 p.m., Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes - 0 no. Motion carried.