City of Mt. Carroll City Council met Sept. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Courtney Warren from CFPS rang the bell to announce the start of the meeting. Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderwoman Nancy Bandemer, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, and Alderman Mike Risko, present, Alderman Doug Bergren, present
Alderman Risko led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation led by Jeff Davis.
Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 22, 2023 Regular City Council meeting, Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren: yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to authorize the payments of accounts payable dated September 12, 2023, 50 claims payable totaling $827,791.61 as recommended by the Finance Committee, Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren: yes. Vote: 5 yeses and 0 no. Motion carried.
Mayor Bates reported the bank account balances were totaling $6,954,847.18 as of today.
Under Committees, Street Superintendent Dauphin reported he spoke with the County and they estimate around 2 weeks until they start working on our streets. The differential went out in the dump truck; it is at Northern Illinois Diesel being repaired at an estimated cost of $3,000.00. Plan to do some black top edging out on Mill Street, while waiting for Library sidewalk.
Alderwoman Bandemer reviewed the monthly police report. Chief Cass reported he has had several applicants apply but very few are qualified. Will have a list by the next meeting. Finance
Recommendation made to approve to pay 50 claims payable totaling $872,791.61.
1. Discussion and Possible Action of the 2023 CIP Presentation: No Discussion or action taken due to changes in the Park OSLAD Grant
1. Discussion and Possible Action on the Park OSLAD Grant: Mayor Bates spoke to the Council that when we started on this grant we didn’t have much going on, now we have had several unexpected projects come up to find $374,000.00 to match funds with the State. What we have to decide is we can turn down the grant and return the $185,500.00 we have already received and become exempt for 2 grant cycles for OSLAD Grants or try to come up the money. I feel that our City crew can do the ADA Bridge etc. that need to be done. Alderman Risko made the motion to turn down the grant and send the check back and Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: NO; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 4 yes and 1 no. Motion carried.
2. Discussion and Possible Action for Waterlooping Project Phase 3 CFPS Contract for $12,500.00 and project updates: Alderwoman Bandemer made a motion to approve the Contract with CFPS and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
3. Approve the Domestic Violence Awareness Proclamation: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergeren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
4. Discussion and Possible Action for a Donation and Insurance Coverage for the 2024 Car Cruise: Len Anderson and Jody Wolber spoke to the Council that there will be 4 regular car cruises with 2 event car crusies totaling 6 all together. The cost of the music for the donation is $1,200.00 Alderman Risko made a motion to approve a donation of $1,200.00 plus the Insurance Coverage and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergeren, no. Vote: 4 yes and 1 no. Motion carried.
5. Discussion and Possible Action on the Stonehouse Water: Len Anderson spoke that the pump water that were in the designs for the bathroom are not a good idea. I need a water line put in from the City. Carl said he spoken to Bill and they will put it on the list. Alderman Risko made the motion to approve putting a water line to Stonehouse Bathroom and Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
6. Discussion and Possible Action for Russell Construction Pay Application #14 $794,606.35 and Executive Session: Alderman Risko made the motion to approve Pay Application #14 for $794,606.35 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
7. Discussion and Possible Action for a Road Block Application for Knights of Columbus on September 16, 2023 from 7:00-1:00: Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the roadblock application and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: abstain, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 4 yes, 1 abstain and 0 no. Motion carried.
8. Discussion and Possible Action for a Road Block Application for Heartland Pet Welfare on September 23, 2023 from 8:30-11:30: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve the roadblock and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
9. Approve for Loren Thacher to hold a Music Fest at Point Rock Park on October 7, 2023 from 10:00 to dusk: Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve the Music Fest at the Park and Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
10. Discussion and possible Action on an Agreement with Computer Dynamics for IT Managed Services at an annual payment of $1,920.00: Alderman Elliott asked City Treasurer if she had confirmation on the price for adding additional devices. She said it is $20.00 per device. Alderman Risko made the Motion to approve the Agreement and Alderman Kczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
11. Approve Mayor Bates’s Appointments: Mayor Bates would like the following appointments to the Davis Center: Alderwoman Bandemer replacing Alderman Grim and George Delp replacing Shevawn Yochem. Doug Sherf resigned from the BDD Committee. Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to approve all appointments and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
12. MSA Weekly Updates on Waterlooping Project Phase 2
13. Approve Mayor Bates to sign the Pre-Approved Agreement with the State of Illinois Transportation for Clay Street Improvements: Alderman Risko made the motion to approve the Mayor’s signature and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Doug Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Motion carried.
General Audience
General Audience: Mayor said he is working with TIF Attorney Kathy Orr for completing the BDD Application Rules and will have an update next meeting.
1. Blackhawk Waterways 2023 Annual Dinner and Social Bash is rescheduled for Sept 25, 2023:
Adjournment: Alderman Elliott made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m., Alderwoman Bandemer seconded. Roll call vote: Alderman Elliott: yes; Alderman Kaczmarski: yes; Alderwoman Bandemer: yes; Alderman Risko: yes, Alderman Bergren, yes. Vote: 5 yes - 0 no. Motion carried.