
NW Illinois News

Friday, July 5, 2024

City of Byron City Council met May 15

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Byron City Administrator Brian D. Brooks | City of Byron

Byron City Administrator Brian D. Brooks | City of Byron

City of Byron City Council met May 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Minutes Approved as Amended 6/5/24

1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Rickard called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Mayor Rickard

3. ROLL CALL – Aldermen present: Todd Isaacs, Emily Gerdes, Ron Boyer, Jessica Nehring, Michael Gyorkos. Five members present.

Aldermen Absent: Christy Hanlin, Mittzi Fulrath

PRESENT: Mayor John Rickard

City Administrator Brian Brooks

City Clerk Caryn Huber

City Attorney Roxanne Sosnowski

Police Chief Jeremy Boehle

City Engineer Jason Stoll

Citizens Charles Van Horn

Motion by Alderman Nehring to allow Alderman Hanlin and Alderman Fulrath to participate by phone. Motion seconded by Alderman Gyorkos. Roll call vote: Gerdes, AYE; Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Isaacs, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 5; NAY, 0; ABS, 0. Seven members present.

4. REVERENCE PERIOD – Mayor Rickard led the Council in prayer.

5. APPROVAL/AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA –Motion by Alderman Gerdes to approve, as presented, the May 15, 2024, agenda. Seconded by Alderman Isaacs. Roll call vote: Fulrath, AYE; Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.


a. MAY 1, 2024 – City Council Regular Meeting Minutes - Motion by Alderman Nehring to approve, as presented, the May 1, 2024, City Council regular meeting minutes. Seconded by Alderman Gyorkos. Roll call vote: Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.


8. TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Huber stated that the Treasurer’s Report for the month of April is in Dropbox. She reported that the auditors began their field work this week.

9. LIST OF BILLS – Alderman Boyer motioned to approve the List of Bills dated 05/15/24, in the amount of $173,709.46. Motion seconded by Alderman Gerdes. Roll call vote: Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Boyer, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS 0.

10. MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Rickard reported that he and Administrator Brooks had a 60- day review with Chief Boehle, and thinks we are off to a great start. Chief Boehle outlined his 60-, 90-, and 120-day plan as well as his 1, 2 and 5 year plan.

11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Administrator Brooks stated that the first stakeholder meeting for the Comprehensive Plan group went well. The group will review a Community Survey that will begin the planning process.

12. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT – No report. All items are on the agenda.

13. CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT – Engineer Stoll reported that work has started on the boat dock although the river water is still high. He added that he is organizing the utility plan and starting to coordinate it with the long-term streets plan.

14. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – (Report given by Administrator Brooks)

a. Public Works Building Update – None.

b. Wastewater Treatment Plant – Fehr Graham is at about 60% complete on plans for the new wastewater treatment plant. Plans will be reviewed on May 23.

c. Other – Well 5 is out of service due to mechanical failure, and it will involve a rebuild rather than repair. Director Vincer will report pricing soon. The Public Works Department is in need of a new truck. They would like a GMC Sierra 3500, which are difficult to get. Autoland Outlets is able to assist, and one has been located in Georgia. Administrator Brooks has started the loan process with Byron Bank. $69,000 has been budgeted for the new vehicle, but it may be closer to $72,000. Approval of the purchase and the loan will be on the next council meeting agenda.

15. POLICE CHIEF REPORT – Chief Boehle has two new candidates at the police training academy. He has assigned an officer to each ward to handle nuisance violations: Officer Hankins, Ward 1; Officer Henderson, Ward 2; Officer Morrissey, Ward 3; Officer Curtis, Ward 4. Chief Boehle will email the officer’s contact information to the Aldermen.


a. Community Services – No report.

b. Public Safety – Alderman Nehring reported they were not able to get through the entire agenda this evening and are considering holding a special meeting to continue.

c. Administrative – No report. All items are on the agenda.


a. 221 N. Walnut St. Sidewalk Replacement – A meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday with Mr. Miller and his contractor to review and finalize plans.

b. IL Public Works Mutual Aid Network Agreement – The Community Services Committee recommends council approval to join the IL Public Works Mutual Aid Network at the cost of $100/year. Roll call vote: Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.

c. 2024 Street Project Change Order – Last week, the council discussed adding a portion of Franklin St. to the 4th St. overlay project this summer. The estimated cost for this addition is $17,200. Engineer Stoll suggested adding the Ashelford cul-de-sac to the project as well. He will present an updated quote to the next Community Service Committee meeting. He anticipates this work will be done after ByronFest. Alderman Isaacs motioned to refer the change order back to the Community Services Committee. Motion seconded by Alderman Gerdes. Roll call vote: Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.


a. Engineering Services Agreement – The Fehr Graham Engineering Services contract for 2024-2025 is on the agenda for first read. The Community Services Committee will review the agreement at the next meeting.

b. Kirby Request for Use of Sunshine Park for Ice Cream Trailer – Alderman Isaacs reported that the Administrative Committee is in favor of the concept, and he and Alderman Gerdes will be meeting with Katryna Kirby to negotiate a license agreement for the leasing of a portion of Sunshine Park for an ice cream trailer. Attorney Sosnowski has advised Attorney Szeto of the discussion, and Attorney Szeto will outline details of information needed to draft the agreement. The agreement will be ready for council review on June 5.

c. Vacation of portion of Alley North of 319 N. Market – Alderman Isaacs reported that the Administrative Committee recommends council approval to move forward with the alley vacation just north of 319 N. Market St. to Steve Andreen. The homeowner to the north, Tony Berg, does not want to split the alley, therefore the homeowner to the south, Steve Andreen, will acquire the entire alley. Engineer Stoll will arrange for a survey, and Attorney Szeto will draft the vacation ordinance. Roll call vote: Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS, 0. Mayor Rickard asked that a letter be drafted for Mr. Berg to sign, stating that he does not want any portion of the alley. Mr. Andreen will cover the cost of the vacation.

d. Non-union Compensation for FY 2024-25 – Alderman Isaacs reported that the Administrative Committee recommends bypassing first read and approving the proposed pay increases for non-union employees. The increases will be retroactive to May 1. Roll call vote: Gerdes, AYE; Fulrath, AYE; Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.

e. Non-owner 72-hour limitation on parking trailers or motorhomes – Alderman Isaacs reported that no action was taken by the Administrative Committee on this agenda item.

f. Off-Highway Vehicle Ordinance – Chief Boehle reported that the Public Safety Committee discussed the need to revamp the UTV ordinance to be more comprehensive in scope, and address low speed vehicles including ATVs, off-road motorcycles, golf carts, etc. Low speed vehicles are licensed and titled through the State of Illinois. Sterling and Forreston have ordinances in place that address this topic. These ordinances will be reviewed, and an ordinance will be drafted for committee and council review.

g. Pedal Bus Request for Approval – The owners of the pedal bus were not available to make a presentation to the committee tonight.

h. Police Department Promotions – Chief Boehle will arrange a time to interview candidates.



a. Regular City Council Meeting - Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 6:30 pm.

22. ADJOURN – Alderman Isaacs motioned to adjourn. Motion seconded by Alderman Boyer. Roll call vote: Fulrath, AYE; Boyer, AYE; Nehring, AYE; Gyorkos, AYE; Hanlin, AYE; Isaacs, AYE; Gerdes, AYE. Motion passed: AYE, 7; NAY, 0; ABS, 0.

Mayor Rickard adjourned the City Council meeting at 7:22 pm.




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