
NW Illinois News

Sunday, June 30, 2024

City of Rochelle City Council met May 28

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Tom McDermott - City Council Member | City of Rochelle Website

Tom McDermott - City Council Member | City of Rochelle Website

City of Rochelle City Council met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

I. CALL TO ORDER: Pledge to the Flag was led by Mayor Bearrows. Prayer was said by City Clerk Rose Huéramo.

II. ROLL CALL: Present were Councilors T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Valdivieso, and Mayor John Bearrows. Absent: Councilor Arteaga. A quorum of six was present. Also, present were City Manager Jeff Fiegenschuh, City Clerk Rose Huéramo, Deputy Clerk Rosie Belmonte, and City Attorney Dominick Lanzito.

III. PROCLAMATIONS, COMMENDATIONS, ETC: Retiree Recognition - Wendy Horn for forty years of service.


1. Mayor's Report: Thanked everyone who attended and participated in the Memorial Day celebration. 2. Council Members: Councilor Shaw-Dickey congratulated the graduating High School class of 2024 and the teachers for a job well done.




a) Approve City Council Meeting Minutes - 5/13/24

b) Approve Payment Registers - 5/13/24, 5/20/24

c) Approve Payroll - 04/29/24-05/12/24

d) Accept & Place on File - April Financials

e) Special Event Request - St. Patrick's Church Procession

f) Special Event Request - Airport Private Event

Motion made by Councilor Valdivieso, Seconded by Councilor T. McDermott, "I move consent agenda items (a) through (f) be approved by Omnibus vote as recommended." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 6-0.

2. An Ordinance Creating an Additional Class R-2 Liquor License for Barrio Agave LLC D/B/A Barrio Agave at 1310 N 7th Street. The liquor license request for Barrio Agave LLC, D/B/A Barrio Agave, located at 1310 N 7th St., was approved by the Council on May 22, 2023, with a favorable vote of 6-0 (1 absent). However, the following mandatory step of obtaining a State Liquor License faced setbacks as the application was rejected twice by the State for undisclosed reasons. As a result, the owners decided not to pursue renewal of the liquor license by the January 31st deadline, leading to an automatic void. Since then, Mayor Bearrows and I have been actively working with the owners to address the challenges and help them obtain their State Liquor License. The restaurant’s liquor classification is a: Class R-2 licenses shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises by restaurants with no bar. The Liquor Commissioner, Mayor John Bearrows, has reviewed the request and has no objection to the transaction. City Clerk Rose Huéramo was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Hayes, "I move Ordinance 24-54-82, an Ordinance Creating Additional Class R-2 Liquor License for Barrio Agave LLC D/B/A Barrio Agave at 1310 N. 7th Street, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 6-0.

3. An Ordinance Amending Municipal Code Ch. 74 Article II, Planning & Zoning Commission, Sec. 74-31, Created; membership; terms; vacancies. We are proposing an amendment to the existing code regarding the terms of Planning and Zoning Commission board members. The proposed change involves reducing the current five-year term to a three-year term for all members. This adjustment encourages fresh perspectives and ensures a steady stream of new ideas and energy in our organization. The current code outlines as follows: There is created a planning and zoning commission for the city. The planning and zoning commission shall consist of a chairman and six other members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Initially, three members shall be appointed for two-year terms and four members for three-year terms. Thereafter, members shall be appointed to five-year terms to begin on July 1. The schedule of appointments shall be on file with the city clerk. The successor of each member appointed under this section shall serve for a term of five years. Vacancies shall be filled by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the city council, for the unexpired term. Members may be removed by the mayor for cause after written charges have been filed and after a public hearing has been held if demanded by the member so charged. Additionally, there shall be four non-voting members of the commission appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council, who may reside more than one and one-half miles outside the city. The non-voting members shall be chosen on the basis of expertise and/or experience in matters which are under the jurisdiction of the planning and zoning commission. Our commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity within leadership roles is reflected in this change. It allows for a more frequent rotation of members, facilitating broader representation and engagement. We believe that this adjustment will significantly contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of our organization. City Clerk Rose Huéramo was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Shaw-Dickey, "I move Ordinance 24-5483, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 74, Article II, Section 31, Relating to the Planning and Zoning Commission Membership, Terms and Vacancies, Inc, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 6-0.

4. A Resolution Authorizing $2,820,000 in Funding for the Rebuild Downtowns & Main Streets Capital Grant Projects. January 2022, the City received confirmation we were awarded the Rebuild Illinois Downtowns & Main Street Capital Grant from Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). Funds were finally released from the State of Illinois in June 2023. The grant amount is for $1,151,974 and covers parking lot restoration, the construction of two new lots and public restrooms. A committee consisting of Mayor Bearrows, Councilperson Rosie Arteaga, City Manager Fiegenschuh, and key staff members was formed to move the project forward. Two new lots will be constructed to increase greater parking options and create more connectivity and walkability to our Downtown. The demolition of the vacant old bank drive-thru on the corner of Lincoln Highway and Lincoln Avenue and the corner of Washington and 2nd Avenue will be the location of the new lots. Seven lots will be reconstructed and repaired. The grant proposed a public restroom structure with 2 separate restrooms. As we continue to enhance our Downtown, the opportunity for a gathering space has always been a direction to move towards. With the destruction of the community gazebo area, the need for replacing the gathering space became important. The project also includes major electrical service improvements including placing all electric lines underground. Michelle Pease, Community Development Director was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Shaw-Dickey, Seconded by Councilor Valdivieso, "I move Resolution R24-34, a Resolution Authorizing $2,820,000 in Funding for the Rebuild Downtowns & Main Streets Capital Grant Projects, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 6-0.

5. A Resolution Appointing Michelle Pease as the Rochelle Representative Trustee to the Northern Illinois Land Bank Authority. The Northern Illinois Land Bank Authority was created to assist its members with the acquisition and sale of vacant, dilapidated, and non-revenue generating properties. The City of Rochelle previously approved the Northern Illinois Land Bank Authority Intergovernmental Contract and Bylaws Agreement, therefore becoming a member. Pursuant to the Intergovernmental Contract and Bylaws Agreement each local representative member shall each appoint, by resolution of their governing body, one (1) representative to serve for a three-year term as a Trustee of the Land Bank. Michelle Pease has been the past appointee and has requested to be appointed for another 3-year term. Michelle Pease, Community Development Director was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor T. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor D. McDermott, "I move Resolution R24-35, a Resolution Appointing Michelle Pease as the Rochelle Representative Trustee to the Northern Illinois Land Bank Authority, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 6-0.

VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Urban Park Design—417 W 4th Avenue Michelle Pease, Community Development Director, presented to the Council with a concept plan to create a functional gathering space for the small parcel. The plan includes a seat wall, native plantings, and an asphalt area for a potential food truck or vendor space. A potential mural may also be included in the plan.


IX. ADJOURNMENT: At 6:55 P.M. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Valdivieso, “I move the Council adjourn.” Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw Dickey, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 6-0.




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