Pam Bernstein - Ward II Alderman | City of Galena
Pam Bernstein - Ward II Alderman | City of Galena
City of Galena Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Call to Order by Presiding Officer
Roll Call
Establishment of Quorum
Public Comments
Not to exceed 15 minutes as an agenda item
Not more than 3 minutes per speaker
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 8, 2024.
Owner and Applicant: Kouz Properties, LLC. Reading of the Finding of Fact for a Special Use Permit to allow Outdoor Dining as an Accessory Commercial Land Use in the Downtown Commercial Zoning District at 215 Diagonal St. (The Galena Taphouse)
Owner and Applicant: Robert and Cherish Criswell. Request for a Map Amendment to change the zoning from Neighborhood Commercial to Low Density Residential at 606 S. Prospect St.
Owner: Sandhills Shopping Center LLC, and Applicant: JNB Signs, Inc. Request for a Variance to allow a second internally illuminated wall sign at the new Tractor Supply Co. location at 10801 Bartell Blvd.
Owner: Jane M Bastian, Trustee, and Applicant: BTK Group LLC. Request for a Map Amendment to change the zoning from Limited Agriculture to Planned Commercial upon annexation in to the City of Galena at 9808 US Hwy 20 W.