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Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Fulton City Council met July 22

Webp 9

Jeff Brondyke, First Ward Alderman | City of Fulton

Jeff Brondyke, First Ward Alderman | City of Fulton

City of Fulton City Council met July 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wendy Ottens at 5:30 p.m. On roll call, Alderpersons Boonstra, Burggraaf, King, Mask, VanKampen and Wilkin were present. Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent. City Attorney Huizenga, Business Manager Garibay, Business Manager-in-Training Hemling and City Clerk Wade were also in attendance. Chief Neblung arrived shortly after.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

A presentation from Rebecca Huizenga, President of the Fulton Christmas Walk Committee, told the Council that they had purchased a large Nutcracker statue for the Christmas Walk. The committee would like to give him a name. Once school resumes, they will taking entries from the River Bend and Unity K-5 students. The committee will narrow the list of entries down to three finalists. The Christmas Walk committee would like the City Council to pick a winner. The winning child and his/her family will be invited to light the Christmas tree at this year’s Christmas Walk.

The Council unanimously agreed to do this.

Appointments – None

Recognitions – None

Communication from Visitors – Scott Grell of 602 19th Avenue, in Fulton, addressed his concerns about the recent concrete work on his street. He felt the concrete work was not done properly, it slopes back towards his house and water pools up on his property. He feels the residents of 19th Avenue should have been contacted about the concrete before it was started. He also said that the City should have put up barricades.

Public Works Director, Eric Sikkema, stated that the concrete work was done by Fulton Concrete Construction, not the City. It was up to Fulton Concrete to notify the residents. Sikkema will stop by the site and assess the concrete work.

Mayor Wendy said that, in the future, the City will post construction information and inform residents before projects begin.

Mayor Wendy asked for a motion to approve the Council meeting minutes from July 8, 2024.

Alderperson Wilkin made the motion. Alderperson Boonstra seconded the motion.

Alderperson Mask asked to make a correction on page 10 of the minutes. Correcting the word moral to morale. Correction will be made.

Alderperson Mask made the motion to approve with corrections. Alderperson Boonstra seconded it.

Committee of the Whole Discussions –

Continued discussion regarding Gurlabh Singh from Eagle River Liquor regarding his request for 2 liquor licenses. He would like to keep his A-1 license and is also asking for an A license, as well. He is stating that his property is actually 2 parcels having 2 different addresses. He would like to have 2 separate businesses there. One will hold the A-1 and the other will hold the A license.

Business Manager Garibay said that upon looking up the address on the Whiteside County Parcel Viewer, there is only one property with one address. So this would not be an option for him. If he wants the A license, he will have to surrender the A-1 license.

He agreed, stating that he just wanted to ask the Council if it was a possibility.

Discussion was held on sending Aley Hemling, Business Manager-in-Training (and Deputy Clerk), and Tori Wade, City Clerk, to the upcoming MCI Training Institute in Bloomington, IL on Oct. 6 – 11, 2024. The Council was given the details of this training and the costs involved. Total cost for the registration, hotel, meals and mileage will be approximately $1,500.00 per person.

The subjects selected shall include, but are not limited to, a study of the Illinois Municipal Code, parliamentary procedure, office management, and the preparation of agendas, minutes and records.

The Council agreed that this was a great opportunity to have them attend this comprehensive training. The Council thanked them for taking the initiative to attend this training.

It was decided that the next City Council meeting on August 12, 2024, will be able to be held at the new City Council Chambers for the first time now the construction is complete.

Yard Sales –

City Clerk, Tori Wade, reported that the City-Wide Yard Sales will be held August 9 & 10 this year. Fliers have been distributed on-line, through social media, newspapers, website, etc. The cost this year is $20.00 per sale site. This includes a yard sale sign, balloons, listing of address and featured items published with a map showing the sale location. If yard signs are returned by August 16, a $5.00 refund will be given.

Eric Sikkema said the new gazebo at Heritage Canyon is completed and ready for use. It does have electricity that will be hooked up soon.

Tori Wade, Heritage Canyon caretaker, spoke to the Council on the recent filming of a movie at Heritage Canyon. It is titled, “My Heart Remembers” based on a book by Sarah Vogel Sawyer. The canyon was the perfect setting for this movie because it is set in the late 1800’s.

The Finance Committee meeting minutes were included in the packet. They would like to have F.A.C.E. members attend one of their meetings or possibly a City Council meeting in the near future. It may be a zoom meeting.

Tourism Committee meeting minutes were included in the packet. It was noted that the date for the Fulton Christmas Walk should be Dec. 6 and the date for Christmas in the Canyon should be Dec 7.

Alderperson Wilkin announced that the Fulton Fun Crew received grant monies for landscaping at the new bandshell at Drives Park.

Alderperson Mask would like to compile a list of all the City attractions. She would also like to have an Alderperson assigned to each attraction.

Mayor Wendy announced that Alderperson Burggraaf will be attending the Grow Clinton meetings to represent Fulton.

Fulton’s Tourism Director, Lesley Webster, has resigned to pursue a new position in Salem, Wisconsin.

The Historical Society Report – Alderperson Mask told the Council that a History Club will be at the Martin House Museum on August 2, 2024.

As an FYI only, a copy of a newspaper article from the Clinton Herald announcing that the Gold Leaf Bakery in Fulton will begin delivering its products.

Motion to adjourn, all Alderperson, yes.

Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.
