
NW Illinois News

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Dixon City Council met Oct. 21

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Glen Hughe, Dixon City Mayor | Glen Hughes for Dixon Mayor / Facebook

Glen Hughe, Dixon City Mayor | Glen Hughes for Dixon Mayor / Facebook

City of Dixon City Council met Oct. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation

4. Presentation

a. Annual Audit

b. Dixon Stage Left

5. Work Session

6. Visitors/Public Comment

7. Approval of Minutes

8. Approval of Total Labor and Outside Claims

9. Approve Year-to-Date Financials

10. Department Reports

a. Building Department Permit Report

b. Presentation of Request for Street Vacation

11. City Manager Report

12. Council Reports

a. Mayor Hughes

b. Councilman Bishop

c. Councilman Considine

d. Councilman Oros

e. Councilman Venier

13. Boards & Commissions Reports

a. Airport Board Meeting Minutes

14. Ordinances

a. Ordinance Approving Execution of Agreement for Purchase of Property (Lots 1 and 2 of Fulfs Commercial Addition No. 2)

b. Ordinance Approving Execution of Donation Agreement for Receipt of Donation of Property (Lots 1 and 2 of Fulfs Commercial Addition No. 1)

15. Resolutions

a. Resolution Confirming Appointment to the Dixon Airport Board

b. Resolution Confirming Appointment to the Board of Trustees of the Fire Pension Fund

c. Resolution Amending 2024-2025 Budget – Fire Budget Part-time Salary

16. Motions

a. Discussion and Possible Approval of the FY 23/24 Audit

b. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ambulance Equipment from Stryker

17. Adjournment


17. Resolutions

a. Appointment of Mark Delhotal to the Dixon Airport Board for a term to commence October 21, 2024 and to end December 31, 2026, or until his successor is duly appointed and qualified.

b. Appointment of Aaron Fox to the Board of Trustees of the Fire Pension Fund for

a term to commence October 21, 2024 and end April 30, 2027 or until his respective successor is duly appointed and qualified.

c. Amending the budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 by amending line items within the Fire budget to accommodate additional part-time salary expenses in the Fire Department

18. Motions

b. Approve the purchase of two Power Load systems for the ambulances and two replacement Stair-Pro stairchairs at 0% interest payment plan over 4 years. Overall cost for this project is $79,179.88 with a yearly payment of $19,794.97.
