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City of Fulton City Council met Nov. 25

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Fulton City Mayor Wendy Ottens | City of Fulton

Fulton City Mayor Wendy Ottens | City of Fulton

City of Fulton City Council met Nov. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf at 5:30 p.m. On roll call, Alderpersons Boonstra, King, Mask, VanKampen and Wilkin were present. Mayor Wendy Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent. City Attorney Huizenga, Chief of Police Neblung, Public Works Director Sikkema, Business Manager Garibay, Business Manager-in-Training Hamling, Seargent Hamilton, and City Clerk Wade were also in attendance.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf advised the Council that she will be a voting member as well at this meeting.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Presentations – Mr. Scott Hutchison, 1007 2nd Street was on the agenda to speak to the Council regarding the sale of his property. He did not attend the meeting. A short discussion was held on the property. Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf suggested sending this to the Economic Development Committee.

City Clerk, Tori Wade, read to the Council (verbatim) a letter of resignation from Mayor Wendy Ottens effective December 30, 2024. (a copy of the letter was provided for those who wanted one)

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf thanked Wendy Ottens for her time as Mayor for the city of Fulton.

Recognitions – None

Appointments – None

Communication from Visitors. (Any communication that is NOT on the agenda for consideration.)

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to approve the Council meeting minutes from November 13, 2024, and the Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes.

Alderperson Mask made the motion. Alderperson VanKampen seconded the motion.

On Roll Call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion carried.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to approve the Council to begin researching the position of a City Administrator to fit the needs of a city our size.

Alderperson Mask made the motion. No second motion was made.

Motion denied.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to approve the Tax Levy Ordinance.

Alderperson King made the motion. Alderperson Wilkin seconded.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion carried.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to approve an omnibus vote abating the tax levied for the year 2024 for principal and interest general obligation bonds, taxable series 2012B, 2019 and 2020.

Alderperson King made the motion. Alderperson Wilkin seconded.

Business Manager Garibay explained that the tax levy was passed, the City can only go up 105% unless there is a Public Hearing. The abatement of bonds means we are not asking the citizens to pay for our bonds.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion carried.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to approve the annual employee Christmas Bonuses and a Christmas Luncheon to be held on December 11, 2024.

Alderperson King made the motion. Alderperson VanKampen seconded.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for the dollar amounts of the bonuses. Business Manager Garibay told the Council that in the past, the Council generously approved a $400.00 bonus for a full-time employee and a $200.00 bonus for a part-time employee. She also stated that a Christmas luncheon for all the employees and alderpersons usually comes in at about $400.00.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion passed.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to Approve Overtime for Chief Neblung, at time and one half above the 85 hours per pay period from October 1 to present.

Alderperson Boonstra made the motion. Alderperson King seconded.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked Business Manager Garibay what is the total cost of the overtime, she replied it is now at about $5,800.00, at time and a half. This is a Council decision if you want to go with that or something different. She also said this is in addition to the 85-90 hours he has to put in for Chief of Police. The Council agreed on the amount at time and a half.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion carried.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to Approve an Ordinance for the purchase of the Kalyan property located at 4th Street and 10th Avenue for $2,501.00.

Alderperson Mask made the motion. Alderperson King seconded.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion carried.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to Approve the Real Estate Contract between Kalyan Investments, LLC, and the City of Fulton.

Alderperson Boonstra made the motion. Alderperson King seconded.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf stated that she had looked over the contract and it looked pretty straight forward to her.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion carried.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to Approve part-time police officer pay increase from $25.00 per hour to $30 - $35, to be determined by the Council.

Alderperson Boonstra made the motion. Alderperson King seconded.

Chief Neblung suggested a pay rate of not over $35.00 per hour. There is really only one part-time officer available at this time. He stated that part-time officers do not have to be certified by the state, they just have to have prior experience.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf that with the negotiations coming up in January, it is probable that the Police will see a market increase in their salaries. So it would stand to reason that the pay for part-time police officers would see a market increase as well.

Alderperson VanKampen asked where the money for the part-time officers is coming from. Business Manager Garibay replied that it will come out of the Police Department salaries budget. Boonstra suggested to meet in the middle at $32.50 per hour for part-time officers.

Business Manager Garibay stated that this amount is less money per hour than paying present police officers over-time. Chief Nick said that over-time rate right now is $55.00 per hour.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Motion carried.

Motion to Approve a variance, recommended for approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals Committee, for property located at 1210 10th Avenue, owned by Mark Borgman, to allow an additional 16 feet more than the allowed 24 feet (accessory building) and an additional 16 square feet over the allowed 960 square feet allowed (accessory building).

Alderperson VanKampen made the motion. Alderperson King seconded.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked Zoning Officer Wherry if this request was passed at the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. He stated it was.

On roll call, all yes. (Mayor Ottens and Alderpersons Banker and Brondyke were absent.)

Committee of the Whole – Discussions

Discussion for implementing a credit card payment system for City Hall and the Police Department was discussed. This will also include on-line bill/fee payments. Business Manager-in-Training Hamling, explained that the State has a program through the Treasurer’s Office. It is a free service, they would set it up for us. The fee for transactions is 2.3% or $1.00 minimum. They would also give us a machine and free customer service. The fee would be passed on to the customer. Hamling said she had reached out to other clerks in the State that are using it and they are very satisfied as to how it works.

Mayor Pro-Tem asked if there are a lot of requests for making payments this way? Hamling said yes. It will be put on the next agenda for a motion.

The next discussion item was an update on the Downtown Revitalization. Business Manager Garibay stated that Public Works Director Sikkema and herself met with our engineers, Willett Hofmann. The updated light pole design specification and the designs of the 2 blocks of the downtown renovation that will be start this Spring. Garibay pointed out that one of the designs shows 4th Street as a one-way (one-way coming off the Fulton bridge going North). This is something the Council will have to decide soon. If they want a one-way or a two-way for 4th Street. She explained the light pole design which includes speakers, brackets, etc. The City is still waiting for a cost on this.

Public Works Director Sikkema stated that the City is going to go out for bids for the street lights and they will be bought all at once by utilizing the grant we already have. This actually will be done before the sidewalks are in, this insures that we have the lights as the sidewalks are completed. More discussion was held on the features of the light poles themselves. Sikkema also gave an approximate timeline of the project as a whole.

The next item for discussion was the FOP Negotiations. Business Manager Garibay said that now that we know the status of our Mayor, the Mayor Pro-Tem will have to be on the negotiation team as well as at least 2 other Alderpersons to sit with you. She stated that Alderperson Boonstra would not be allowed to be on the team because a family member is a police officer. This will need to be decided in the next meeting or so.

Garibay is expecting to see a letter, probably in the first week in January, regarding the negotiations.

Next item for discussion was the manpower, future and restructure of the Police Department.

Business Manager Garibay told the Council that the Finance Committee met including herself, Chief Neblung, Public Works Director Eric Sikkema, Business Manager-in-Training Aley Hamling, Alderperson Keith King and Mayor Pro-Tem Mindy Burggraaf. The meeting topic was swayed in another direction of what we were really going to talk about, because of the need to help the Police Department. It was stated that the committee definitely needs to do something for the Police Department. We are moving looking for direction from the Council.

Are we going to fix and repair our Police Department? Are we going to find them the funding that they need to survive and go on with salaries? Are we going to bring in new officers.

Garibay said the other alternative to not fixing your police department is going with Whiteside County dispatch. Those are your only options. Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf said that she would like to keep our police department here and maintain it. She thinks the community would also want that.

Garibay said if that’s what the Council wants to do, then they are going to have to sit down with the Finance Committee and your Police Department and go into your budgets in January, you’re going to have to find the money. She feels that during negotiations in January the Council is going to have to come up with bigger money for salaries. They need to be brought up to what other communities are giving their officers. Garibay said that if your looking at that raise, a vehicle, dispatching fees of $120,000.00. Garibay and Chief Neblung came up with the amount needed to accomplish these items will be anywhere from $300,000.00 to $350,000.00 that is not budgeted.

Garibay gave options such as restructuring the cannabis funds, possibly reconstruct video games funds, and possibly to get it up to par, you may have to dip into some of the general fund reserves. Those are Garibay’s suggestions.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf stated that the Finance Committee will be meeting yet in December and it is their hope that Garibay and Chief Neblung will be able to attend.

Garibay asked Mayor Pro-Tem if she or any Alderperson had any questions for the Police Department. The entire Police Department was in attendance.

Alderperson Wilkin asked the officers what would be the ideal number of police officers needed? Officer Leitzen spoke about the number of officers and how it affects the City. He feels that 9 total officers is something the City should shoot for. (not counting himself, since he is in the schools most of the time).

Chief Neblung stated that according to the International Chiefs of Police recommends 3.4 officers for every 1,000 residents.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf thanked the Chief and officers for the extra time they have been putting in. She wants them to know it is very much appreciated. Alderperson King stated that with all the hours the police officers have been putting in, to please be safe.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf moved on to the Marina survey that was done by Norwest Surveying. The discussion was now that we have the Marina surveyed, should we move on to an appraisal?  Alderperson Mask would like to go ahead with the appraisal. Business Manager Garibay stated that the survey came in at right around $4,500.00. She pointed out that the Marina is 5 separate parcels. Garibay believes each parcel will be appraised individually. She suggested that the Council also ask for an appraisal for the parcels as a whole, excluding the treatment plant.

City Clerk, Tori Wade, informed the Council of the candidates who have filed elections papers for the Consolidated election to be held on April 1, 2025. She also explained the lottery process that was done because of a simultaneous filing for the office of Mayor.

Issues with the City’s garbage services from Republic Services was discussed. A citizen did not get their garbage picked up and called City Hall every day until it was picked up. (which was the day before the next scheduled pickup) Alderperson Boonstra asked what are citizens supposed to do when this happens other than call Republic. Is there any other recourse? Can we offer them a few dollars refund? According to Business Manager Garibay, no the City can not give refunds on garbage services. The City does not make any money on garbage services, so where would you pull the money for the refunds from?

Utility Billing Clerk, Korrie Marcum, told the Council that there is a lot of complaints on garbage pickup. She gives them the number to call Republic Services. Business Manager Garibay stated that when Korrie hears a complaint, she takes care of it. Citizens should not rely on social media to make complaints, but call City Hall.

A discussion continued on alternative resources for garbage pickup for the City. Garibay stated that we are in a contract with Republic Services and we can’t get out of it until 2027.

Committee Reports – Parks and Rec did receive a grant for landscaping at the new bandshell, it was for $800.00. Enclosed in the Council packet is a quote from Spangler’s Landscaping for $5,066.50 to landscape around the bandshell. The Fulton Fun Crew would pay $1,000.00 towards this. ($800.00 from the grant and $200.00 from their account). They are asking the City to consider paying the balance of $4,000.00. Alderperson Wilkin also reminded the Council that the Kiwanis Club generously donated $35,000.00 to the bandshell project and she would like some sort of signage announcing the bandshell’s name and donors.

Business Manager Garibay suggested that wait until Spring and take a look at the Video Gaming fund because that is for Parks and Rec.

A brief discussion was held on the latest program held by the Historical Society at the Martin House Museum.

The Business Manager’s report, Tammy Garibay has submitted her letter of resignation to the Council effective Jan. 3, 2025. The Council thanked her for her years of service.

Adam Wherry, Community Service Officer, reported to the Council the training and testing he’s been doing getting ready for the new International Property Code that goes into effect January 1, 2025. He told the Council how he plans to implements the new code.

Mayor Pro-Tem Burggraaf asked for a motion to go into closed session.

Alderperson King made the motion. Alderperson VanKampen seconded.

The Council went into closed session at 6:47.




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