Lanark’s Mayor,Mark Macomber, getting sworn in at city council meeting! | Lanark City Hall | Facebook
Lanark’s Mayor,Mark Macomber, getting sworn in at city council meeting! | Lanark City Hall | Facebook
City of Lanark City Council met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER/ROLL CALL-Lanark City Council met in regular session at the Lanark City Hall at 7 p.m. Roll call taken by Marilyn Heller, City Clerk, showed Alderpersons present were Brad Knutti, Ethan Lartz, Justin Rausch, Haley Grim and Lynn Collins. Mayor Mark Macomber was present and presiding.
Others present were; Maintenance Manager Jason Alvarado, Clerk Marilyn Heller, Treasurer Deb Throop, Attorney Ed Mitchell, Officer Zach Plum, and Chief Troy Randall.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-was led by Alderperson Brad Knutti.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES- A MOTION was made by Alderperson Lynn Collins and seconded by Alderperson Ethan Lartz to accept the minutes of the January 7, 2025 meeting as presented. Motion carried by 5 aye votes and 1 abstain. Aye votes: Alderpersons Lynn Collins, Ethan Lartz, Justin Rausch, Brad Knutti, and Mark Macomber. Alderperson Haley Grim abstained.
DELINQUANT UTILITIES – POSSIBLE ACTION - Clerk presented the updated shut off list for February 4, 2025, noting the properties paid in full and the partial payments that have been made. A Motion was made by Alderperson Brad Knutti and seconded by Alderperson Lynn Collins to move forward with shut offs on February 4, 2025 on lines one through nine. Motion carried 6 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Brad Knutti, Lynn Collins, Ethan Lartz, Justin Rausch, Haley Grim, and Mark Macomber.
457B RETIREMENT – POSSIBLE ACTION – Alderperson Justin Rausch shared the Personnel Committee recommendation to update in the employee handbook section 5.3 Other Benefits to show that all employees are eligible to contribute into the 457b. Employees qualifying for matching contributions are non-elected salary employees and full-time employees. Alderperson Lynn asked if this would include the city clerk and utility clerk positions when combined for the matching contributions. The committee confirmed that it will. The Committee recommends the following for mandatory distributions “$5,000 and over remains in the plan, $1,000 to $5,000 is rolled over to IRA, Plan will use Inspira Financial as IRA rollover provider, under $1,000 is cashed-out to participant” The Committee also recommends up to 5% matching and to allow the Heart Act Provision. A Motion was made by Alderperson Justin Rausch and seconded by Alderperson Ethan Lartz to approve the details recommended for the 457B plan. Motion carried by 6 aye votes. Aye votes: Alderpersons Justin Rausch, Ethan Lartz, Mark Macomber, Haley Grim, Brad Knutti, and Lynn Collins.
REPORTS-EMPLOYEES, ATTORNEY, CLERK, TREASURER, ALDERPERSONS AND MAYOR Maintenance Manager Jason Alvarado – maintenance handled two water leaks, one on W. Franklin and another on N. Broad. They have been working on confirming lead lines for the MFT streets projects, they have five confirmed needs replaced and on the next agenda. One of the five is connected through another properties line and this will need to be corrected. They were able to confirm five lines that were marked lead but were actually copper. It is between $8,000 to $15,000 per line to replace. Troy Randall – shared some of the details from the incident on Friday, taking in 1 male and 1 juvenile male. It was taken care of smoothly and quickly. Attorney Ed Mitchelle – filled a lien and is working with Chief Randall on zoning. Clerk Marilyn – shared we have 120 or so residents signed up with the mass texting. Hoping to get more people signed up before all the projects start. Alderperson Ethan – is holding Community Project Committee Jan. 28th at 6pm at City Hall. Alderperson Brad Knutti –asked Jason about the water lines and shut offs on the apartments on S. Broad. Jason informed him that they have one line with only 1 shut off for all 7 apartments. Council then discussed multiuser meters.
ADJOURNMENT-MOTION-was made by Alderperson Lynn Collins and seconded by Alderperson Brad Knutti to adjourn at 7:33p.m. Motion carried by 6 voiced aye votes.