City of Rochelle Mayor John Bearrows | City of Rochelle Website
City of Rochelle Mayor John Bearrows | City of Rochelle Website
City of Rochelle City Council met Jan. 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
I. CALL TO ORDER: Pledge to the Flag and prayer were led by Mayor Bearrows.
II. ROLL CALL: Present were Councilors T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor John Bearrows. A quorum of seven were present. Also, present were City Manager Jeff Fiegenschuh, Deputy Clerk Rosie Belmonte, and City Attorney Dominick Lanzito.
1. Mayor's Report: Mayor informed all Council members that attended a meeting regarding operations and procedures for Council Meetings and reminded Council members to speak loud and clear into the microphones and once a motion is on the floor they will proceed around council for comments one at a time each council member being allowed to comment once before the Mayor can comment.
2. Council Members: None.
1. Bus Purchase Proposal - Mayor Bearrows presented Council with a purchase proposal for a Shuttle Bus for the City’s use. He cited different events and potential opportunities the bus could be used for and stated there is $35,000 in this year’s budget that has been set aside for the purchase. Councilors decided to readdress the topic in a month once more information has been gathered.
a) Approve City Council Meeting Minutes - 12-9-2024
b) Approve Special City Council Meeting Minutes - 1-9-2025
c) Approve Bills - 12/10/24, 12/9/24, 12/16/24, 12/23/24, 12/30/24, 1/6/25, 1/9/25, 1/13/25
d) Approve Payroll - 11/25/24-12/8/24, 12/9/24-12/22/24, 12/23/24-1/5/25
e) Accept and Place on File - November Financials
f) Approve Special Event Request - Cypress House Outdoor Markets
g) Approve Special Event Request - CAN Food Truck Festivals
Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Shaw-Dickey, "I move Consent agenda items (a) through (g) be approved by Omnibus vote as recommended." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
2. Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone Amending Ordinances. Amendment 16: The Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone board in December took action to assist a project in Rural Lee County to be able to use the zone tax incentives. This project is called Fun on 52, and the same investor is building a second site called Pub n Patio in the same overall project. Fun on 52 is a family entertainment complex with golf and go kart activities, while Pub n Patio is a bar and grill that will also include bowling. Each of the sites is expected to have about 20 jobs. This uses about 10 acres of our zone map area. Amendment 17: The Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone board in December took action to assist the existing HA International site in rural Ogle County near Oregon use zone tax incentives. The company will manufacture a sand-based product called "feeders" at a new production line being moved from Ohio to our area. This product is used by the North American metal casting industry. 17 new jobs are expected in the short term with more job expansion planned over 10 years. This amendment uses about 17 acres of our zone map area. Amendment 18 The Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone board in December took action to assist the Byron Clean Energy Center, Constellation Energy's Byron area nuclear plant. Constellation is planning to upgrade the Byron plant with multiple new generating turbines to increase megawatt output at the plant. This $355 million project upgrades low and high pressure turbines along with other electrical systems to support the 79 megawatt upgrade and increases the lifespan of the facility and gives new longevity to many good jobs in our region. This uses about 172 acres of our zone map area. Andy Shaw with Lee Ogle EZ Administrator and Ryan Tozer with Constellation Energy were available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Valdivieso, Seconded by Councilor Hayes, "I move Ordinance 2025-02, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 45- OH Amendment 16,17, & 18 Addendums "A" & "B" Lee Ogle Enterprise Zone, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nay: None. Motion passed 7-0.
3. Resolution Earmarking Northern Gateway TIF funds for the Route 251 Reconstruction and Expansion Project. The City of Rochelle would like to earmark three million, seven hundred thirty six thousand, three hundred twenty-four dollars ($3,736,324) of Northern Gateway TIF funds for the Route 251 Project.
Roadway lighting engineering design costs | $65,000 |
Watermain improvements/replacement engineering design | $90,000.00 |
Watermain replacement construction | $925,000.00 |
Roadway lighting construction | $1,225,000.00 |
City participation in sidewalk/shared use path construction | $640,000.00 |
City participation in new traffic signals | $295,000.00 |
Construction Engineering costs | $225,000.00 |
Construction Contingency | $330,000.00 |
Banners at (62 at $102 each) | $6,324.00 |
Funds to Earmark for Northern Gateway TIF | $3,736,324.00 |
4. A Resolution Authorizing 2025 Fairways Golf Course Rates. Following a comparison of area golf course rates, staff is proposing a slight increase of $1 per round to daily rates at Fairways Golf Course for the 2025 season. No increase to season passes is proposed. Weekday rates 9-hole walking $14 add cart for $9 Weekday rates 18-holes walking $18 add cart for $12 Weekend rates 9-holes walking $16 add cart for $9 Weekend rates 18-holes walking $20 add cart for $14 As part of the City’s wellness program and as a recruiting tool, the following employee rates are proposed: 50% discount on season pass – All Employees Complimentary season pass – Golf Course Employees. Director of Community Engagement/ Assistant to the City Manager Jennifer Thompson was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Arteaga, Seconded by Councilor Shaw-Dickey, "I move Resolution R2025-02, a Resolution Establishing the 2025 Rates for a Fairways Golf Course, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
5. A Resolution Authorizing the Utility Assistance Program. Council’s authorization of the utility assistance program expansion ended at the end of 2024. Staff is proposing to continue the successful program from January 1, 2025, through April of 2027 to coincide with Council’s terms. The utility assistance program offers a $500 bill credit to residential households in need once per year. To qualify, combined gross income for all adults permanently living at the residence must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines for the previous 30 days. In 2024, we assisted 216 households with $108,000. The program is funded through the sale of renewable energy credits. Director of Community Engagement/ Assistant to the City Manager Jennifer Thompson was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Hayes, "I move Resolution R2025-03, a Resolution Authorizing the Rochelle Municipal Utilizes' Customers Assistance Program through April of 2027, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
6. A Resolution Rejecting All Bids for On-Call Service Maintenance for Water and Water Reclamation. With the assistance of Willett Hofmann and Associates, the Water and Water Reclamation Departments accepted bids for on-call service maintenances. On November 21, 2024, there was a bid opening. We had received one bid from IHC Construction Companies, LLC in the amount of $84,162.00. After Willett Hofmann and Associates reviewed the bid along with past invoices from local contractors for their on-call service maintenance they performed, Willett, Hofmann and Associates recommended to reject the bid from IHC Construction Companies, LLC. Their recommendation is to continue to contract local contractors for on-call service maintenance since bid pricing provided by IHC Construction Companies, LLC would increase the City’s cost of service replacements. The Water and Water Reclamation Departments will enter into a general maintenance agreement with local contractors. Director of Water and Water Reclamation Adam Lanning was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Shaw-Dickey, Seconded by Councilor Valdivieso, "I move ResolutionR2025-04, a Resolution Rejecting All Bids for On-Call Service Maintenance for the Water and Water Reclamation Department, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
7. A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Personnel Manual (City of Rochelle Employee Handbook). The City of Rochelle “Handbook” Personnel Policies Manual had a major update in October of 2018. The Personnel Policies Manual is in constant review and revisions shall be made periodically to be consistent with all applicable laws, employment policies and current technology. The request includes an update in amount of per diem for travel expenses from $50 to $70 for any travel day. This recommendation was made considering both the General Service Administration rates for 2025 and the resource savings for stream-lining the reimbursement policy process. The updated version can be found in Article S section 5 which is attached as supplemental documentation to this memo. Human Resource Director Jillian Condon was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor T. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Arteaga, "I move Resolution R2025-05, a Resolution to Amend the Personnel Policies Manual to to increase Per Diem Travel Expenses, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
8. A Resolution Designating a City Parcel for Drilling and Development of Well 13. The City of Rochelle currently owns and operates five wells and when all are in commission, they have the capability to pump 9.6 million gallons of water per day. Our max peak consumption is 4.5 million gallons per day. EPA guidelines require that with the largest pump offline, a city would be able to meet their peak demand. Currently, our largest pump, located at Well 8, is offline as we build an iron filtration plant at that site. If another well pump or equipment experienced a failure requiring a well to go offline, we would narrowly meet our max peak demand. To confidently meet this demand, increase redundancy, and relieve other well pumps and equipment, it is in the City of Rochelle’s best interest to drill an additional well. The location of Parcel 25-17-100-010 would allow future development on the north-east side of Rochelle and mitigate pressure issues from dead-end water mains in the area. This 2-acre parcel is currently owned by the City and has been sitting vacant for approximately 15 years. Once the well has been drilled and developed, we would commence with building a well house. Based on previous research conducted by Illinois State University, we think that this location and the combination of active aquifers we will avoid future radium problems. The well house will be constructed with the capability to add a radium removal filter if the problem ever did arise. Director of Water and Water Reclamation Adam Lanning was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor T. McDermott, "I move Resolution R2025-06, a Resolution Designating City Parcel for Drilling and Development of Well 13, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: Motion passed 7-0.
9. A Resolution Accepting the Proposal and Authorizing a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Willett Hofmann and Associates for Well 13. As the City of Rochelle continues to develop, it will be crucial to ensure the Water Department can meet the water needs of its residents and industries. The need to build an additional well and well house is imminent. Willett Hofmann and Associates are expertly familiar with the City’s water distribution system and will provide professional design engineering and construction engineering. Willett Hofmann and Associates will drill and develop a new Well #13, furnish and install a well pump and pitiless adapter, construct a new well house including chemical rooms, electrical and control room and water testing area. It will include piping to connect new Well #13 to existing water distribution system and exterior site improvements. Willett Hofmann and Associates will also prepare and manage all necessary documentation for an IEPA Loan, conduct all tasks related to pre-bid, public bid, preparation of bid documents, pre-construction meetings, assist with minimal construction management. Director of Water and Water Reclamation Adam Lanning was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Hayes, Seconded by Councilor Valdivieso, "I move Resolution R2025-07, a Resolution Accepting the Proposal and Authorizing a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Willett Hofmann & Associates, Inc. for Well 13, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
10. A Resolution Recognizing a Change in Stock Ownership of Class R-3 Liquor License Holder A.S. Gian D/B/A The Blackstone Bar & Grill. This memorandum serves to inform you about the change in ownership of A.S. Gian, doing business as the Blackstone Bar & Grill, located at 406 Cherry Avenue. The business currently holds a Class R-3 liquor license. Shane Erdman, the current owner of the Blackstone Bar & Grill, has relinquished the business's Class R3 liquor license as part of the sale of the stock ownership. Daniella Swaab, the new stock owner of A.S. Gian, has submitted an application for a new Class R-3 liquor license for the business. As Daniella Swaab has met all the requirements for a Class R-3 liquor license, the Mayor, acting as Liquor Commissioner, has no concerns about issuing the new liquor license without the need to amend the number of available Class R-3 liquor licenses. This process will ensure that the Blackstone Bar & Grill can continue its operations without interruption. City Clerk Rose Huéramo was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Arteaga, "I move Resolution R2025-08, a Resolution Recognizing a Change in Stock Ownership of Class R-3 Liquor License holder A.S. Gain D/B/A the Blackstone Bar & Grill, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso. Voting Abstaining: Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 6-0.
11. Resolution Recognizing a Change in D/B/A from Clark Gas to Rochelle BP Gas Station. This memorandum is to inform the City Council of a change regarding the business operations of Angelkrishna Co., which was operating under the name Clark Gas Station at 1180 N 7th St. The owner of the business, Sonal Umesh, has notified the Liquor Commissioner that the business has officially changed its DBA from Clark Gas Station to Rochelle BP Gas Station. The business currently holds a Class P-2 liquor license. After review, it has been determined that no new liquor license is necessary, and the current liquor license does not need to be surrendered, as the change in the d/b/a name does not impact the legal or operational aspects of the business concerning its liquor license. However, to ensure that the City Council remains fully informed and to uphold transparency regarding changes to businesses holding liquor licenses within the City, it has been deemed appropriate to formally recognize and adopt a resolution acknowledging the change of the business name. City Clerk Rose Huéramo was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Shaw Dickey, Seconded by Councilor D. McDermott, "I move Resolution R2025-09, a Resolution Recognizing a Change in D/B/A from Clark Gas to Rochelle BP Gas, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
12. An Ordinance Deleting One Class C Liquor License and Creating One Class P-2 Liquor License for Amisa Inc., D/B/A Rochelle Shell. ASIF Quddus, on behalf of Amisa, Inc., d/b/a Rochelle Shell, located at 505 W. Highway 38, has submitted a request to upgrade Amisa, Inc.'s current Class S Liquor License to a Class P-2 Liquor License. Class S licenses authorize the retail sale of packaged beer and wine only, not for consumption on the premises where sold, for businesses known as fueling stations, gas stations, or convenience stores. Class P-2 licenses authorize the retail sale of packaged alcoholic liquor, but not for consumption on the premises where sold. The holder of a Class P-2 license may arrange for alcoholic liquor tastings and consumption within the area of the licensed premises used for displaying packaged alcoholic liquor. The number and size of such samples distributed shall not exceed the maximums set forth in 235 ILCS 5/6-31, as amended from time to time. The Liquor Commissioner, Mayor Bearrows, has reviewed the application and has no objection to the creation of a Class P-2 liquor license for Rochelle Shell. This action will result in a total of four Class P2 liquor licenses. City Clerk Rose Huéramo was available for questions. Motion made by Councilor Valdivieso, Seconded by Councilor T. McDermott, "I move Ordinance 2025- 05, an Ordinance Deleting One Class C Liquor License and Creating One Class P-2 Liquor License for Amisa Inc., D/B/A Rochelle Shell, be approved." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.
IX. ADJOURNMENT: At 7:33 P.M. Motion made by Councilor D. McDermott, Seconded by Councilor Shaw Dickey, "I move the Council adjourn." Voting Yea: T. McDermott, Hayes, D. McDermott, Shaw-Dickey, Arteaga, Valdivieso, and Mayor Bearrows. Nays: None. Motion passed 7-0.