The Morrison Rotary Club welcomed two new members today. Scott Vandermyde was sponsored by his father Dick and Kevin Kuehl was sponsored by Mark Schuler. Pictured here is Rotary President Mick Welding, Scott and Kevin | Rotary Club of Morrison District 6420
The Morrison Rotary Club welcomed two new members today. Scott Vandermyde was sponsored by his father Dick and Kevin Kuehl was sponsored by Mark Schuler. Pictured here is Rotary President Mick Welding, Scott and Kevin | Rotary Club of Morrison District 6420
City of Morrison City Council met Feb. 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Morrison City Council met in Regular Session on February 10, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Morrison Community Room, 307 South Madison Street, Morrison, Illinois. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Mayor Scott Vandermyde. City Clerk Michael Hemmer recorded the minutes. Meeting was offered to the public via Zoom and video recording to be available at
Alderpersons present on roll call were Greg Kruse, Sidonna Mahaffey, Todd Schlegel, Vernon Tervelt, Matt Tichler, Josh West, and Harvey Zuidema. Absent: Kevin Bruckner. Other city officials present were City Administrator Brian Melton, Police Chief Kevin Soenksen, Treasurer Margaret Jones, and Recreation Services Director Nathan Jacobs.
Kim Ewoldsen & Ken Burn, Sauk Valley Community College, Impact Program. Kim Ewoldsen explained that the program allows students to earn college tuition while serving the local community via their volunteer efforts in high school. Ken Burn discussed the practical technical aspects of the program. Currently over 60% of eligible Morrison High School students are participating and the hope is to grow this number in the future. The Mustang Challenge represents a fundraising goal for Morrison to raise $450,000 for the program: $160,000 of this goal has already been met. Council members were asked to share the message, use their connections to help meet this goal, and that the city council should consider contributing to the goal. Members were encouraged to reach out to Kim or Ken if they have any questions about the Mustang endowment challenge.
Chief Soenksen reported that the missing juvenile last week was found within a few hours. He discussed Project Lifesaver, a GPS tracker system for special needs individuals, including those with intellectual disabilities young or old. He is looking at the city participating in the program. SRO Simmons conducted a video night and is running a Valentine’s Day Dance at the school. Also, officers are continuing to fulfill their state qualifications.
Recreational Services Director Jacobs reported to Council that youth wrestling is almost over, youth basketball is starting and that last Thursday’s Bingo had 41 participants.
Ald Schlegel moved to approve City Council, Meeting Minutes, January 27, 2025, Bills Payable - $72,476.25, and Historic Preservation Commission, Meeting Minutes, February 4, 2025; seconded by Ald Tichler. Ayes: Kruse, Mahaffey, Schlegel, Tervelt, Tichler, West, and Zuidema. Nays: None. Absent: Bruckner. Motion passed.
Ald Mahaffey moved to approve Reimbursement Request, Building Improvement Program, Peter Hembrough (Ameriprise Financial), Exterior Painting & Tuck Pointing [refer to HPC minutes]; seconded by Ald Tervelt. CA Melton reviewed the Ordinance details, including strengths and weaknesses. Council discussed ways to strengthen the ordinance in the next fiscal year, clarify funding and grant limits, and ways to promote the program to residents and owners. Ald Mahaffey amended her approval to limit reimbursement to a maximum of $5,000; seconded by Ald Tichler. Voting on the amendment, Ayes: Kruse, Mahaffey, Schlegel, Tichler, West, and Zuidema. Nays: Tervelt. Absent: Bruckner. Motion passed. Voting on the reimbursement, Ayes: Kruse, Mahaffey, Schlegel, Tichler, and West. Nays: Tervelt and Zuidema. Absent: Bruckner. Motion passed.
Ald Schlegel moved to approve the City’s Road Use Construction Agreement - Morrison Community Hospital Expansion Project; seconded by Ald Tichler. By voice vote: all ayes. Absent: Bruckner. Motion passed.
Council reviewed draft Ordinance 25-02 Implementing a Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers’ Occupation Tax, also known as the “Grocery Tax” with the pending cancellation of the States’ 1% sales (grocery) tax. CA Melton informed Council that the ordinance would be placed on the February 28 agenda for action.
CA Melton discussed the necessary Sanitary Line Extension, East Knox Street - Morrison Community Hospital Expansion Project. Council discussed.
CA Melton discussed with Council non-agenda change orders for repairs recently found in the public works renovation project correcting structural weaknesses in the existing structure. Built more than 50 years ago, the interior walls of the “ballon frame” are not sufficient or safe and certainly is not code compliant. Consensus by the Council was to move forward with the necessary changes and that it would be approved as an agenda item in the next meeting.
Ald Zuidema moved to enter Executive Session pursuant to pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Appointment, employment, compensation of specific employees …, 2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters …, and 2(c)(21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act …; seconded by Ald Tervelt. All ayes by voice without objection, Ald Bruckner absent. Executive Session began at approximately 7:40 pm. The session was audio recorded.
Ald Kruse moved to exit Executive Session, seconded by Ald Schlegel. All ayes by voice without objection, Ald Bruckner absent. Motion passed and Regular Session resumed at 8:00 p.m.
Ald Tervelt moved to approve and offer MOU with Teamsters – Health Insurance Cost Share; seconded by Ald Schlegel. Ayes: Kruse, Mahaffey, Schlegel, Tervelt, Tichler, West, and Zuidema. Nays: None. Absent: Bruckner. Motion passed.
Ald Schlegel moved to discontinue and terminate the Health Insurance Deductible Reimbursement Program, effective May 1, 2025 (FY2026); seconded by Ald Zuidema. Ayes: Kruse, Mahaffey, Schlegel, Tervelt, Tichler, West, and Zuidema. Nays: None. Absent: Bruckner. Motion passed.
Ald Schlegel moved to approve Executive Session Minutes as presented, remain sealed; seconded by Ald Zuidema. By voice vote: all ayes. Absent: Bruckner. Motion passed.
Ald Tichler moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Ald Zuidema. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:02 pm with no objection.