
NW Illinois News

Friday, July 5, 2024

City of Rock Falls City Council met May 21

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Gabriella McKanna, Alderwoman - 1st Ward | City of Rock Falls

Gabriella McKanna, Alderwoman - 1st Ward | City of Rock Falls

City of Rock Falls City Council met May 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of Rock Falls, Illinois was called to order at 5:30 p.m. on May 21, 2024, in the Council Chambers by Mayor Rod Kleckler.

City Clerk Pam Martinez called the roll following the pledge of allegiance. A quorum was present including Mayor Kleckler, Aldermen Wangelin, Snow, Byrd, Dowd, Dornes, Arduini, and Sobottka. Absent Alderwoman McKanna. In addition, Attorney Matt Cole and City Administrator Robbin Blackert were present.

Audience request:


Community Affairs:

Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce, Sam Smith, President/CEO

1. Request approval for road closures on June 21st and 22nd for the Rock Falls Chamber Summer Splash.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the road closures on June 21st and 22nd for the Rock Falls Chamber Summer Splash and second by Alderman Wangelin.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

Consent Agenda:

Consent Agenda items 1-2 were read aloud by City Clerk Pam Martinez.

1. Approval of the minutes of the May 7, 2024, City Council Meeting.

2. Approval of bills as presented.

A motion was by Alderman Wangelin to approve the Consent Agenda and second by Alderwoman Sobottka.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

Ordinance for 1st Reading:

1. Ordinance 2024-2647 – Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2025 (Beginning May 1, 2024, and Ending April 30, 2025).

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2024-2647 - Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2025 (Beginning May 1, 2024 and Ending April 30, 2025) and second by Alderwoman Sobottka.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

2. Ordinance 2024-2648 - Approving Increases to the Salaries of Elected Officials.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Sobottka to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2024-2648 - Approving Increases to the Salaries of Elected Officials and second by Alderman Dowd.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

3. Ordinance 2024-2649 - Amending Chapter 18, Article IX, Section 18-257, Administrative Fee for Towed and Impounded Vehicles; storage fees.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Sobottka to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2024-2649 – Amending Chapter 18, Article IX, Section 18-257, Administrative Fee for Towed and Impounded Vehicles; storage fees. Vote 6 aye, 1 no (Dornes), motion carried.

Ordinance 2nd Reading & Adoption:

1. Ordinance 2024-2646 - Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property (303 14th Avenue).

A motion was made by Alderman Wangelin to approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance 2024-2646 - Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property (303 14th Avenue) and second by Alderwoman Sobottka.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

Tourism Director – Melinda Jones:

1. Request for road closures for Summer 2024 Tourism Events.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the road closures for Summer 2024 Tourism Events and second by Alderman Wangelin.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

Memorial Day at the RB&W Park 9 am plaque award presentation.

City Administrator:

Administrator Blackert mentioned Avenue A reconstruction will start next week and residences will be notified when construction will be started in front of their residence.

Opening Bids for the demolition of the Micro Building on Thursday, May 23, 2024. It will be sent to the State for approval, presented to the Public Works Committee and finally to City Council.

City Attorney:

1. Accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to the mini- subdivision request from Brick Boss at 1103 E. Rock Falls Road, Rock Falls, IL 61071 and authorize the mayor to send a letter of non-objection to the County. A motion was made by Alderwoman Sobottka to approve the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to the mini-subdivision request from Brick Boss at 1103 E. Rock Falls Road, Rock Falls, IL 61071 and authorize the mayor to send a letter of non-objection to the County and second by Alderwoman Arduini. Vote 6 aye, 1 no (Wangelin), motion carried.

City Departments:

Chief Pilgrim mentioned on June 4, 2024 at Rock Falls Culver's Share Night for K-9 Fundraiser.

Alderman Reports / Committee Chairman Requests

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the recommendation from the Utility Committee to approve the purchase of 120 Water Meters from Ferguson Waterworks, 1720 State Street, Dekalb, IL in the amount of $18,930.00 and second by Alderman Dowd.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the recommendation from the Utility Committee to accept the proposal for the materials needed for the repair to Filter 3 from WesTech, P.O. Box 65068, Salt Lake City, Utah, in the amount of $30,909.00 and second by Alderman Wangelin.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the recommendation from the Utility Committee to approve the proposal for the clean out of the drainage ditch from Behrens Trucking, 2608 Prophetstown Road, Rock Falls, IL in the amount to not exceed $20,000.00 and second by Alderman Wangelin.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Wangelin to approve the recommendation from the Utility Committee to approve waive bidding procedures for the 8th Avenue & West 19th Street boring project and second by Alderwoman Arduini.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the recommendation from the Utility Committee to approve the award for 8th Avenue & West 19th Street boring project from PirTano Construction, 1766 Armitage Court, Addison, IL in the amount of $27,472.00 and second by Alderman Wangelin.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the recommendation from the Utility Committee to approve the quote for the E 5th Street feeder boring project from Kirby Cable Services, 17842 Summer Road, Pecatonica, IL in the amount of $12,902.50 and second by Alderman Wangelin.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Snow to approve the recommendation from the Utility Committee to approve the proposal for a 1422 SCADA Silver Package Support Plan Pack through Survalent Technology, 1967 Wehrle Drive, Suite 1, PMB 122, Buffalo, NY in the amount of $13,626.00 and second by Alderwoman Sobottka.

Vote 7 aye, motion carried.

Mayor's Report:


A motion was made by Alderwoman Sobottka to adjourn and second by Alderwoman Arduini. Vote via voice, all approved (5:58 p.m.)




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