The Carroll County Courthouse | WikipediA
The Carroll County Courthouse | WikipediA
City of Mt. Carroll City Council met Jan. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Carl Bates called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Mayor Carl Bates, present, Alderman Doug Bergren, present, Alderman Jeff Elliott, present, Alderman Paul Kaczmarski, present, Alderman Mike Risko, present, Alderman Jeff Soenksen, present, Jody Wolber, present.
Alderman Mike Risko led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Joel Medendorp gave the Invocation
Alderman Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 10, 2024 Regular City Council meeting Alderman Kaczmarski seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, and Alderman Risko, present, Alderman Soenksen, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
Alderman Kaczmarski made a motion to authorize the payments of 29 claims Payables for $82,657.36 and Alderman Elliott seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
Bank Account Balances: 4,004,879.94
Superintendent Dauphin said they have been busy doing maintenance work and that the mechanic came and did warranty maintenance on the newer backhoe. The 2012 Dump Truck was leaking anti-freeze and took it to Northern Illinois Diesel to have it looked at, could be the admissions and might be costly. Going to take down Christmas decorations and tree on Thursday.
Reviewed monthly police report. Update on the police cameras. Had a few inquire about the 2019 Tahoe, waiting to hear back.
Davis Community Center
Director Bandemer reported of a busy month of December. Signed with Silver Fit Program for our seniors. New fitness classes have started, room rentals are busy, West Carroll Middle School holding practices and we will host 3 Sunday Basketball Tournaments. Mini food Center remains busy and working with local churches to help with food pick up and with collecting donations. Lions Club will be hosting a free gym and pizza night on Saturday January 18, 2025 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Recommendation to pay accounts 29 claims for $83,657.36.
Old Business
1. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Resolution R22-2024, Resolution Authorizing of Earnings Generated from the funds held within the William J Davis Investment Fund to the William J Davis Community Center Operating Fund for the use and Operations of the William J. Davis Community Center in the amount of $112,858.55: Alderman Risko made a motion to approve Resolution R22-2024 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Call Vote: Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, , Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
1. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Purchase of Police Body and Vehicle Cameras: Alderman Bergren said we have 2 options; full amount of $35,735.60- or 5- year contract of an annual payment of $7,147.12. Alderman Soenksen made a motion to approve to purchase the police cameras with a 5-year contract of annual payment of $7,147.12 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Risko, yes and Alderman Elliott, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
2. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance 2025-01-02, Ordinance Amending Title 4 and Title 7 of the City Code to allow Alcoholic Beverage Consumption at the Davis Community Center: Alderman Elliott expressed concerns that this will expose us to lawsuits, we have a great facility with young children, I say leave well enough alone. Alderman Bergren said he received 2 phone calls from local Business owners expressing their concerns if this will affect them. Director Bandemer said that she has phone calls all the time for catering needs and now they can include the alcohol with their services, we as the Davis Center will not provide it or will sell it. Alderman Soenksen said he thinks this will be great for the Davis Center room rental income and a great opportunity for the restaurants to be included. I get your concerns of law suits and that is why we set the rules and make adjustments and learn as we go. Alderman Kaczmarski agreed. Alderman Wolber said he didn’t think it would be great addition it is nice just how it is running now. Alderman Risko reached out to Community Center similar to ours that allows alcohol and they have no issues and it has been a great asset to their Center. Alderman Risko made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2025-01-02 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, NO, Alderman Soenksen, yes and Alderman Elliott, NO. Vote: 4 yeses and 2 nos. Motion carried.
Public Comment
Renee’ Warfield said she thought it was a great idea to approve the consumption of alcohol at the Davis Community Center and Thanked Director Bandemer for being open on New Years Day.
Alderman Soenksen that they will be working on the pumps and drives tomorrow to see why it has been dripping, they will be there at 8:00 a.m. if anyone wanted to attend it.
Adjourned to Executive Session to discuss continuing Litigation
Alderman Elliott made the motion to adjourn the meeting 7:51 pm and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, , Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
Returned to Open Session at 8:03 p.m.
3. Discussion and Possible Action for Ordinance No. 2025-01-01, Ordinance Authorizing Acceptance of Alley Dedication of Property behind East Market Street and Immediately West of Route 78 (part on PIN#05-08-01-401-018): Alderman Risko made at motion to approve Ordinance No. 2025-01-01 and Alderman Kaczmarski seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes and Alderman Soenksen, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.
Alderman Elliott made the motion to adjourn the meeting 8:08 pm and Alderman Risko seconded. Roll Call Vote: Alderman Elliott, yes, Alderman Risko, yes, Alderman Bergren, yes, Alderman Wolber, yes, Alderman Soenksen, yes, Alderman Kaczmarski, yes. Vote: 6 yeses and 0 nos. Motion carried.